San | Chapstick | Fluff, Suggestive

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You're both sat under the big, green oak tree, on a small wooden bench. Whilst staring out into the beautiful view, you reach into your bag to grab your chapstick, as you felt your lips drying out from the wind.

You apply it carefully, and smile. "You know when I went out shopping yesterday? I bought this and it tastes so good!" You take a small sniff of the sweet, vanilla chapstick, and as you're about to put the tube back in your bag, San begins to speak.

"Can I try it?" He asks, with an innocent looking face. You nod, and just as you move your hand closer, to pass it to him, you feel his lips on yours. It was so quick that you were in shock, but soon enough you melt into him. He focuses on your bottom lip for a few seconds, tongue slightly entering your mouth. You weren't sure how that was necessary for tasting chapstick but hey, you weren't complaining. After some seconds, he pulled away.

"You're right. It is pretty nice."

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