Hongjoong | Dry Humping | Smut

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Halfway through your movie, you get up from the couch and make your way into Hongjoong's room. You missed seeing his face- an hour was too long to be apart. He seemed to be working on some music, and his face showed his concentration.

When he hears you open the door, and shut it behind you, he looks up, and yawns, stretching his arms out, taking it as an excuse for a little break.

"Did the movie finish already, baby?" He asks, holding out a hand for you to grab. He squeezes it, and smiles.

You give a small pout of your lips. "No... I just wanted to be with you. You've been working all day."

Hongjoong lets out a small, soft chuckle. "I've only been in here a couple of hours."

You roll your eyes. "Well, it's only been a couple of hours now. But it was also a couple of hours before dinner... and before lunch. You've been in here all day. Plus, you know by now that I'm clingy. I need a lot of attention."

His hand pulls you in closer to him, and he gives his thigh a small pat, signalling you to sit. "I do know. Come here." You do, straddling him, and bury your head into his neck. He leans his head to rest on yours, and rubs your back up and down, gently.

After a minute or so, he leans forward and starts typing on his computer again. As you readjust yourself on him, due to his new position, you hear a slight, sharp inhale. Hongjoong bit his lip, and stops typing.

Very slowly, he moves his hips slightly, and rolls in his lips. Shit, you felt so good on top of him. He continued to gently move around, so subtly.

He does this for a little while, moving very slightly under you. He is rather successful- you didn't notice anything until a couple minutes in, where you hear his uneven breathing pattern.

By now, Hongjoong's eyes were almost fully closed, and he was getting so hard. You felt him rubbing on your inner thigh, and can't help but give a small gasp, as he came dangerously close to your crotch.

Hongjoong's eyes instantly open when he hears you, and tries to sit up straighter. You remove your head from his shoulder to look at him. His forehead was a little sweaty, and his cheeks a bit more flushed than normal.

"Y/N, I- I'm sorry, I don't know what I was doing-" He looks at you whilst he stutters an apology, but finds it hard to keep eye contact. He felt so embarrassed, and... was scared you'd find him disgusting or something.

You interrupt him with a long passionate kiss, hands on his neck. After pulling away, you reply. "Hongjoong, baby. Don't worry about it. Go ahead." You give him a small smile as you look into his eyes.

He's a little surprised. "No- no, I can't do that-"

"Hongjoong." You run a hand through his hair. "I swear, it's alright. You've been working here for hours, every day. You deserve a small break- and if we don't have the time for sex tonight, this is the next best thing." You say, in a comforting, trustworthy tone. He had said earlier that he needed to finish a work project for today, so you wouldn't be able to have any proper time together tonight.

The genuine look in your eyes made him believe you. "Are you sure? T- thank you, Y/N."

You make your way back to his neck, and start giving him small kisses, motivating him. You feel Hongjoong's hips thrusting under you, and hear a groan escape his lips. His hands hold onto your waist, occasionally moving up and down, taking in your figure.

His chest moves up and down, and you being so close to his face meant that you could hear every little sound he made. Every now and then, he would accidentally line up against your opening and you would groan as well.

God, this was kind of hot.

Hongjoong lets out a final moan, and you can't help but smile. He lets his weight drop back onto the chair, out of breath. You- still resting on his chest- start giving the back of his head small strokes.

"Y/N..." He says, between breaths. "I'll repay you for this. I'll make you feel so good tomorrow, I promise."

Hongjoong always kept his promises.

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