Wooyoung | The Break Up | Angst

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Wooyoung parked his car outside your house, and you climbed out into the fresh, midnight air.

He also got out, and walked around the car to you. He took a deep breath, before beginning to speak. "I probably won't be able to see you before we leave for uni on Monday... I'll call you though. Tomorrow. And Monday morning." It was Saturday, and you had just been at Wooyoung's house, spending a little time together before you both went your separate ways to different universities on Monday.

You exhaled. "Wooyoung." Your voice was serious, and not very happy at all. He seemed a little surprised as he looked up at you, from where he had just been glancing down at the concrete floor.


You take a breath. "What are we going to do about this?" You asked, your face stern.

Wooyoung hesitated, confused. "About what?"

You rolled your eyes, but not in the usual jokey way. "Have you seriously not thought about this? Wooyoung we're going to different universities. On opposite sides of the country. We won't ever be able to see each other."

Wooyoung's eyebrows were furrowed, not understanding why you were suddenly acting like this. "Y/N what do you mean- we can do long distance. Isn't that what we had planned from the start?"

"We never officially said that. And- do you really think that will work?" Your voice was gradually getting louder, as you spoke more passionately.

"Y/N what are you saying? We were just cuddling and watching a movie at my place 20 minutes ago! I don't understand why you're being like this now." Wooyoung's voice had also increased in volume and passion by now. "Why wouldn't it work?"

"Be realistic. Staying together long distance, six hours away from each other? Whilst each studying and also going to parties? You think that would work? We would just grow apart, naturally, and drift away from one another! Look I wish it was possible too! Believe me I do!" You yell slightly. "But it's not!"

Wooyoung voice is small and quiet. "It doesn't seem like you wish it were possible." 

"Of course I do. Wooyoung there's no denying that I love you, okay? We've been in a relationship for almost half a year! But I just don't want to get my hopes up, just for it all to come crashing down when we actually get to uni." Your voice had gotten a little quieter now, and you feel tears forming in your eyes, but you try your best to blink them away.

Wooyoung was undoubtedly tearing up too, in fact a single tear rolled down his face now. He quickly wiped it away so you wouldn't notice. But you did. "So... what are you trying to suggest? That we break up or what?"

"I mean it's not really a suggestion at this point is it? It's the only way."

Wooyoung's face looked hurt, as he bit his lip and ever so slightly shook his head. "Okay. Fine. If you want to I-  I respect that."

You avoid eye contact, looking to the side. It did pain you to see his hurt face, on the verge of tears, and knowing it's because of you.

"But Y/N." You look up and meet his eyes, which looked deep into yours. "Know that I love you. And because of that- I did really think we could this. But this relationship is a two sided thing and if you don't think the same.... okay."

You nod. "I love you too. I loved the time we spent together. I'm only doing this because of that. I really hope you understand that."

You can see Wooyoung blink back his tears, as he looks down, before turning his head back up a few seconds later to say something. "Can I... Can I give you one last hug? Please."

You look him in the eyes, and can physically see all the sadness, and love for you. You give a slight nod, and you both step closer to each other.

He puts his arms around your waist, and rests his chin on your head, closing his eyes as he savours this moment. Your arms are around him, your head buried into his chest. God, you loved him. So much. You hope he knew that well.

The embrace lasts almost a whole minute, but even that wasn't enough for Wooyoung. For him every second meant the world. You were his first true love. Nothing could ever replace that, or the times you spent together.

You're the one to eventually pull away, and stay looking up at him. He does the same.

"Well, Wooyoung."

"Well... Y/N." He exhales. "Goodnight. And have a good.... well life I suppose. I don't know if one day, our paths will cross again. But if they do- or if they don't- either way, please know that I'm always here."

You nod. "Thank you... for everything. Goodnight, Wooyoung. I love you."

"I love you too."

You give him one last look in the eye, and turn away to walk in the opposite direction, to your front door. Wooyoung waits until you're safely inside, before getting into his car. As soon as he sat down he dropped his head down, and cried, resting his head against the steering wheel. He let the tears roll down his face and drop into his lap.

Little did he know you were doing the same, leaning against the back of your bedroom door.

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