Mingi | Voyuerism | Smut

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You sit him on the bed, and bend down until your lips almost touched his ears. "There's something you've been wanting to try, am I correct?..." You say in a hushed, whispery tone.

You move your head back to see Mingi's reaction. His lips curl up into a smirk. He knew exactly what you were talking about- it was the only thing he had ever mentioned to you. It had taken you a while to be convinced, but you thought, why not?

Mingi moves to sit up against the back of the headboard, whilst you grab the chair from your vanity and place it at the end of the bed, facing him.

Both of you had already removed the majority of your clothes- he was completely undressed but you were still in your bra and underwear.

You look down at your thong, Mingi following your eyeline. There was a big wet patch. He smiles. Before you do anything, you turn your head back to him.

"There's just one rule." You give him a mischievous look.

"And what would that be?"

"You're not allowed to touch yourself."

He can't help a chuckle. "And if I do?"

"Then... this is the last time you'll see this." You stare into his eyes, smile forming on your lips. You knew damn well what you were doing.

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?"

"Better try hard then." Slowly, you pull the thong down your hips, past your knees and onto the floor.

Mingi watches as you move your fingers to your entrance, and make small circular motions. Your head tilts back in pleasure and a light groan escapes his lips.

After a little while of this, you start to carefully move your middle finger into your entrance. Usually, you would go straight for two fingers, but you couldn't make it too easy for him. You were going to take your time.

Whilst your finger enters deeper, you carry on rubbing your clitoris with your thumb. "Fuck..." You moan, and Mingi's tongue rests in his cheek.

He was watching you so intently, and wanted so badly to go over there and assist you. God he would use his two fingers and make you scream his name.

You glance up and see how hard Mingi was. And you had barely started.

The second finger enters, and you slightly arch your back. You decide to open your legs further, by resting each leg on the arms of the chair.

Mingi can't contain himself. "Shit, Y/N.." He groans, between heavy breaths. His knuckles turned white as he clung tightly onto the bedsheets.

As you start moving your two fingers around inside you, the small squelching noises were driving him crazy.

You close your eyes in pleasure, speeding up. Mingi bites his lip, and throws his head back. Your red cheeks. Your sweaty hair. Your glistening fingers. He needed you so fucking bad.

His teeth were clenched and his eyebrows creased as he tried to hold in his moans.

As you hit your sweet spot multiple times, you feel yourself nearing. "I'm.. close..." You whisper, and moan one last time, before removing your fingers just before anything could happen. You decided to let Mingi help with that.

You move your head back from where it had been facing the ceiling, and make eye contact with him. You bring your wet fingers up to your mouth and take them in. With a quick swipe of your lips, you suck them off and give Mingi a little smirk.

He lets out a loud groan. "Please, Y/N."

"Alright, baby." You stand up from the chair, and make your way onto the bed, hovering over him. "You did good." You say, and reach down to feel how hard he was. He groans at your touch.

He reaches his head up to kiss you, tongue instantly entering you. He licks the remains of your juices, and moans into the kiss. When he eventually pulls away, he whispers. "You taste so sweet."

You align yourself with him, and lower your hips onto his. He enters you, both of yours' moans and heavy breathing filling the room.

Mingi was especially loud, murmuring your name multiple times. Once fully inside you, he starts to thrust. Slowly at first, and then faster.

"Please Mingi. Faster, please." You were desperate- you had gotten so close before, and were only in need of a little more.

Then he hits your sweet spot. "Fuck!" You shout, and he does it again. A couple more times and you feel yourself cum.

As you do, he moans, fingers gripping tightly onto your waist. It doesn't take long for him to finish as well, and you feel the warmth.

You get off him and fall onto your back, beside him in the bed. For a couple of minutes, you're both completely silent, catching your breath. The only sound was the loud panting.

Mingi finally opens his mouth. "Oh my god. That was amazing."

You cuddle up to him. "It was pretty hot, huh?"

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