𝟎𝟎𝟏; welcome to london

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EVER since Mindy McPherson came out of her mum's vag crying like she had been forced to listen to the worst band of all time, she was a future-policewoman. 

Every time her uncle brings up that "adorable" cop onesie she would cry if she didn't get to wear, or that pig-police teddy (ha!), or how she tried to arrest Hobie for ruining her marble-painting, she forces a plastic smile.

Her best friend since year 1, Hobie Brown is the total opposite. He has freedom, he's anti-establishment and he has no one to tell him what to do or who to be. Mindy is naturally jealous, even with his situation.

Hobie's dad left him at a young age, and his mum died of cancer around five years back. Luckily for him, some random guy from a bar that he played guitar at took pity on him and let him live in his apartment complex.

It wasn't the fanciest of places, there is definitely a mould problem and the building codes are a massive joke to whoever build it a million years ago, but all he has to do was work at the corner shop downstairs a couple of times a week, for his own place.

His school grades are dropping, and his eyebags are getting darker. Mindy pretends not to notice. Not because she doesn't care about him, she does, a lot, but because she knows that even if she asked, he would just brush it off.

Hobie's laid back attitude really gets Mindy angry sometimes. "Why can't you just care?" She always says. And his response, "There are bigger things to care about." 

What's bigger than sixth form? And why did he have to be so vague all the time

Mindy's thinking of all the possible answers to these big questions when, speak of the devil-- "Aye, watch it girl."

For a moment, Mindy thinks it's a chav with a freakishly deep voice, but when she looks up she gleams at Hobie's familiar piercings and spiky-ish hair. He chuckles at her concerned face, flashing his dimples.

"You're at school," She states happily as they walk down the hallway. It reeks of hand sanitiser and straightened hair, the walls are uncomfortable blank and grey compared to the now grafitti-painted streets. Trophies sit in glass cabinets, collecting dust.

But, yay..!

The hallways not that crowded, there's enough space to do a little spin if you really wanted to, but Hobie still stays close to her, their arms touching a tiny bit every step.

It's Winter, so Mindy doesn't mind, his body heat making her feel cosy. Her navy school jumper barely gives her enough warmth, her rolled-up skirt doesn't help much either. 

"Every ten days, or the pigs come check on me."

Mindy frowns. "Right." 

Her green eyes are focused on the floor, but she can still see the shadow of alterations Hobie made to his uniform. 

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