𝟎𝟎𝟑; back in my day

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All you can hear is the beeping cars from the street and whistles being blown from the courts.

The air is slightly making Mindy's hair blow, she's looking up to Hobie, whose anxiously waiting for her to say something.

"You," Mindy says quietly, breaking the silence like a knife, "were really obvious." She laughs, Hobie shakes his head and looks at the ground, looking up again and pointing at her with a finger. "See, I knew you knew."

"Did you though?" She walks backwards towards the doors to the staircase, tilting her head in doubt. Looking behind the concrete block, she sees Spider-punk's suit lazily dropped on the concrete and chuckles.

Rushing over, Hobie realises that she's found it a little too late. Mindy picks it up, and it stick to her hand. "Not this again," she sighs, wiggling her hand around to get it off.

Hobie watches her, amused. Mindy stops, her head falling down. "Can you.." she winces, "help.. me?"

"Sure," he replies smugly and quickly, strolling over.

He comes close, guiding her. "Listen, you can't pull it off, you'll get a hole in my suit, just relax.." Hobie helps her breath, taking slow breaths in and out, Mindy's eyes flicker over to his, and the suit drops almost immediately.

Embarrassed, she looks away as she realises how close they are, her stomach tingling. "Yeah.. thanks," she says with a tight smile.

He coughs awkwardly, and explains, "You need to find a way to relax, mine is," he pauses, " a song. Yours might be thinking of netball, or something else you like."

A song, yeah right, he thinks.

Mindy nods sharply, standing over his (now on the floor) suit. A web flicks out from his wrist, and he snatches his suit back before she steals it. Mindy's mouth drops open. "Did that come out of your wrist?"

Very suddenly, she's examining his wrist, frowning when she sees it's just metal device. "Well, my dreams are crushed." Hobie laughs lowly, putting his hands in his jean pockets. "I'll make you some."


It dawns on Mindy that she's always going to have these powers, even when she's 80 years old and in a resting home, and that she can't just use them to do nothing. My dad.. she thinks, what am I going to tell him.

"I... need time to think, Hobes," she utters, opening the metal door and beginning to walk down the stairs. Hobie follows her. "Nah I get it, y'know..."

He stops when they get to his floor, watching her shiver in her uniform as she continues walking down. "Wait!" He shouts. Mindy turns around and waits as he grabs a hoodie from his apartment, he comes out and chucks it at her face.

Mindy furrows her brows, looking at it. The front is just plain back, but the back is spray-painted with various colourful designs. She slips it over her head, flicking her hair out from underneath.

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