𝟎𝟏𝟒; late night talking

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PETER PICKS UP Mayday, smiling gratefully at the two

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PETER PICKS UP Mayday, smiling gratefully at the two. "Thanks for taking care of her while I got told of by Miguel, that dude does not like her." Mindy laughs, her hands on her hips. "It's OK, anytime."

Mayday coos, making grabby-fingers in Hobie and Mindy's direction. "Don't be surprised if she head bangs to music now," Mindy mutters awkwardly, and Peter gives her a confused look. 


"Never mind."


UNABLE TO GO to sleep, Mindy and Hobie decide to go on patrol. It's a quiet night, to their surprise. No one's going out in the middle of an overthrowing, if that's what they're calling it, all the action is during the day. 

People are too tired to also do it at night.

Mindy dangles her feet off their apartment building, swinging them back and forth. Hobie sits next to her, eating some crisps, he's a really loud eater, Mindy doesn't mind. 

"Do you ever think... we'll go to university?" Mindy questions out of the blue. Laughing, Hobie replies, "We're not meant for that life, Mint."

Lowering her head, Mindy agrees quietly. Hobie notices her sad demeanour. "What's wrong?"

"I got offered an English scholarship at Cambridge," Mindy whispers, and Hobie's eyes widen, he forces a shaky smile. "That's great!"

Mindy looks at him suspiciously, muttering, "I know when you're faking a smile, Hobes." 

Getting up, she paces around the roof, Hobie follows her, stopping her with two comforting hands on her shoulders.

They have their masks off, so Mindy looks into his eyes dreamily. "I know I can't take it," she says, "it's nice to think about it, though." Hobie tilts his head empathetically.

Light from the city, red, purple, and blue, hits Mindy's face. She looks like she's from a movie, her eyes glimmering a little as her eyes meet Hobie's. He grins as he looks at her up and down.

The rain's made her suits stick to her sides and her hair falls perfectly onto her shoulders. 

He pulls her in roughly, their lips touching. After a moment of shock, Mindy's kisses back as Hobie cups her face.

They breath heavily as they stumble around. Mindy pulls his suit, pulling him in further, making Hobie smile, Mindy feels it against her lips and smiles, too.

Eventually, they end up on the concrete floor, Mindy crawling on top of him, pushing him down. Hobie whispers into her ears huskily, "Someone's confident." 

Mindy rolls her eyes, flustered. They connect their lips again, kissing for a moment before Hobie pulls apart, beginning to plant kisses on her neck. Mindy laughs a little, making him pull back and give her a puzzled look.

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