𝟎𝟐𝟎; missed calls

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ONCE MINDY'S ENTIRELY  left, Hobie dwells with the possible reassurance that she's making dinner at their apartment, that she was just hungry, or tired

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ONCE MINDY'S ENTIRELY  left, Hobie dwells with the possible reassurance that she's making dinner at their apartment, that she was just hungry, or tired. That's why she left, right? He hopes it wasn't because she couldn't bare being in a room with him, but he knows that's the most correct answer.

Watching as the hologram depicts Miguel's anomaly destroying the universe, his mind is so numb that he doesn't even feel bad. If that's what would happen if he loved Mindy, so be it, as long as they got to stay together.

In the video, Miguel's kid disappears in his hands, fading away, his hands shake. "You break enough canons, save enough captains," Miguel says, the city behind him collapsing, "you could lose everything."

Next, the web's begin to break. It almost looks beautiful, the way the red dust is glimmering and falling down. His thoughts automatically replay their memories:

"How do you wake up like that ?"

"Like what ?" Mindy replied innocently, smiling at him as her green eyes gazed into his. He couldn't believe back then that she was even asking, the way she was looked at him, she already knew what he was going to say.

"So beautiful."

Shocked, Miles' breaths are fast and his eyes are wide, he looks down at his hands. "My dad is about to be captain," he states. Everyone lowers their head, except for Miguel and Jess, Hobie eyes them suspiciously.

Suddenly, Miles' grabs his head in pain, squeezing his eyes shut muttering for it to stop. After a few moments, his eyes flicker open, he looks forward, his arms tense. 

"Spot does it, he kills him," Miles almost whispers.

He looks at Miguel, probably expecting a reaction from him. Some pity would be nice, but it's Miguel. "When does it happen? When does it happen?!" Miles demands. 

"In two days, when he's sworn in," Miguel says, hands glues to his hips at he look back up at Miles. "That's what the model says," Lyla affirms, popping up.

In disbelief, Miles looks away. "I'm sorry, Miles," Miguel says. "Send me home!" Miles orders. Shaking his head once, Miguel replies bluntly, "I can't do that, not now."

Miles throws his arms out in disbelief, yelling, "What am I supposed to do? Just let him die?" Raising his brows slowly, Miguel gives him an answer with his face: yes.

Seeing his reaction, Miles backs up, turning around to talk to Gwen. "What about your dad? He's captain, right?" Miles asks, already knowing the answer. She lets out a breath of air, "Yeah."

"And that's it?" Miles prompts, "You're just not gonna do anything about it?" Gwen looks down guiltily, unable to maintain her eye contact with him. "OK," Miles turns to Peter, "What about Uncle Ben? That'd be okay if you knew and you just... let it play out?

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