𝟎𝟎𝟖; web of fate

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EARTH 928.

COLOURS OF different suits practically blind Mindy as the metal doors open in a spider-pattern to reveal the... Spider association? They didn't really have a designated name for it. 

The two had argued for thirty minutes over their watches, trying to work out how to get here, it was well worth it when she saw the scene spread in front of her. 

It looked strangely beautiful.

Many variations of Spider-Man casually walk around, a horse, a cowboy, there's even a girl that looks almost exactly like her, but albino, and her suit is fully white. 

"Hi!" Mindy greets multiple people who are standing in a huddle, they look like they're from similar universes. Gazing at her with judgement, a few of them awkwardly wave.

"Must be new," One of them laughs, it makes Mindy frown, but she brushes it off.

Mindy spins around slowly a few times, taking it all in with a deep breath. 

Spider-people are walking on different paths which have orange-painted details on the sides. 

Even with the obvious similarities, they're all so different in their own special ways. Some are walking upside down, some aren't, some are swinging, other's are riding vehicles like cars or hoverboards.

"This is insane," Mindy manages, a wide smile planted on her face. No words could explain the emotions she was feeling. 

This was a safe place for people, just like her. Plus, it looked cool. OK, maybe words could explain it.

Hobie looks over at her and smirks her antics, she's acting like a kid on Christmas. "What? There's a T-rex, don't chat to me!"

He's seen this all before and is majorly less impressed than his partner, but still appreciates her enthusiasm. "We gotta go meet moody, we can't gape all day," he says, dragging Mindy by her arm to speed her up.


Red laser cages surround them, and Mindy's repulsed. Some villains are banging on the walls of their cages, shouting insults and threats. "What's all this?

"Anomalies," a little woman pops up, making her jump, Hobie chuckles. "People who wound up in the wrong dimension, we send people to catch them," she explains. 

"Who are you?" Mindy asks, still re-collecting herself from her scare. "Lyla. I'm pretty much everywhere, get used to me."

Nodding slowly, Mindy spots the Prowler that she fought in her dimension, his mask is off and he's glaring in her direction. She quickly looks away, but Hobie glares straight at him. 

"I knew there was something off about his suit," she whispers under her breath, realisation hitting her. Speedily, she tries to avoid the cage, going further into the room.

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