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ON FRIDAY, Mindy wakes up in her bed, her phone alarm chiming. The screen reads 'get up girl!!!' 

Behind the notification, her wallpaper is barely seen, faintly glowing behind the message. It's a picture of her mum and her, they're building a snowman. They're grinning like they just won a prize. 

She groans, reaching over to her bedside table to turn it off. When she sits up, she's still holding-- no, stuck to her phone.

"What the heck?" She mumbles, trying to pull it off with her other hand to no avail. It dangles there for a bit, before her screen protector pops off, sending her phone thumping down onto her mattress.

Suddenly, she's very awake, flailing her hand to get the glass off her fingertips. "Dad?!" She calls, running into the living room. Whilst looking around for him, she quickly spots a yellow sticky-note on her dining table.

Had to go in early, packed your lunch, see you at your game

Heaps of love, Dad 

"Shit, shit, shit," Mindy walks into the kitchen and hurriedly turns on the sink, running cold water on the hand. She takes a deep breath in, and out, closing her eyes and relaxing her body.

Clank !

The glass falls into the sink, shattering. Too shaken up to clean the mess, she gets ready as usual, but thinks of the amazing idea of wearing a gardening glove on her malfunctioning hand. 

Act normal, like your fingers didn't just turn into superglue.

Mindy grabs her extra which has her netball uniform and shoes and rushes out her house. But, something pulls her back, making her body slam into the wooden door behind her. 

Looking back, she sees that her other hand has been stuck to the metal doorknob. 

She uses her gloved hand to carefully pry fingers off one by one then angrily storms inside to get the matching glove. "I look like a nonce," she utters under her breath, beginning her walk to school.

The chilly London breeze makes Mindy shiver, the wet concrete pavement is covered in more graffiti than yesterday. 

It seems like her whole world looks like that now; Mindy doesn't mind it, in fact, she stares at the ground everyday just to see all the new things people have done. 

The other day, someone spray-painted a politician, but when you looked closer, the politician had sharp dinosaur teeth and a teardrop on their cheek. That's the kind of stuff she loves, simple things that have deeper meanings when you look closer.

She's smiling at the ground when--

Mindy has to take a few steps backwards, doing a double take. Below her, a new artwork. But instead of something normal like the anti-government things that usually there, there's just a name.

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