𝟎𝟏𝟔; the spot

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LIGHTNING THRASHES IN the sky as Mindy watches raindrops race down Hobie's apartment windows, wrapped in a blanket with a hot drink in her hand

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LIGHTNING THRASHES IN the sky as Mindy watches raindrops race down Hobie's apartment windows, wrapped in a blanket with a hot drink in her hand. The door creaks open, and she smiles at Hobie's face, letting her blanket fall to her feet as she walks over.

Seeing the suitcases in his hand, she smiles and gasps in shock, "You got my stuff?" Hobie shrugs. "Least I could do, really," he replies as Mindy gives him a hug and thanks him. 

Pulling away, she asks, "Where's Gwen, by the way?"

"Some mission in Earth-1610," he answers, slumping down onto the couch. Furrowing her brows, Mindy sits down next to him. "That's where Miles is." 

Hobie smirks and chuckles. "Good luck to her."

He yawns, putting his arm around her shoulder. "So," she begins awkwardly, "I have a really bad headache." Hobie hums nonchalantly. While Mindy massages her temples, Hobie gulps when he swiftly realises what she said.

"How drunk were you last night?" He says, a hint of disappointment hidden as anger in his tone. Mindy laughs softly at his worries. "You sobered me up pretty fast." Hobie relaxes at her words. 

Buzz !

They look down to their watches, focusing as a tiny hologram of Miguel pops up, he scowls when he sees their position. "I need you to in Earth-50101, there's a situation." The hologram fades, and the two glance at each other.

"Man needs to be less vague," Hobie whispers, getting up.


"WHERE ARE THEY?" Mindy questions, looking around Mumbattan for signs of them. Mindy's eyes stop as she sees people running out of an Alchemax building not that far away, screaming and panicking. 

"That's my guess," Hobie says dryly, and they make their way over. Weaving through the lab, they try to avoid bumping into workers. 

When they find the source of the problem, the reactor (obviously), Hobie charges ahead, shouting to let them know he's there, "Oi, lads!" They turn around as he gets his black pluck out, a letter M etched into it with a heart. 

Strumming his electric guitar, he jumps into the barrier, creating a opening. 

Soon after, Mindy gets a running start before jumping through, flying through the air next to Hobie as he strums his guitar repeatedly. The glass to the reactor breaks just before they land in front of The Spot. "Mindy, Hobie!" Gwen exclaims, prior to Hobie finishing his song in dramatic fashion.

"My guys!" Pav calls out. Mile's eyes widen. "Hobie?"

The Spot stands there sassily, a hand on his hip as he motions with his hand, observing, "Look at that, another two. I love how many different variations of you guys there are." 

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