𝟎𝟎𝟗; double trouble

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TINTED ORANGE, this universe is clearly different to the one the two are used to. It feels more dark, there's a hint of sadness behind it. 

"Well, this is depressing," Mindy comments gloomily, coughing a little due to the air pollution. 

Pressing the buttons on their watches, they detect the anomaly, it's a few buildings down. Even before they detecting it, they could hear what a racket it was making.

Swinging closer, they soon get a good view of what's happening. Fires are everywhere, which probably explains all the smoke.

A green man is zipping around on his hoverboard, dropping little balls which explode. It's clear he doesn't belong there, because he's glitching just as The Prowler did. 

Glancing at each other, they devise a plan without using words. Mindy nods once. 

She swings from Hobie's web, doing a few flips in the air before diving just underneath the board and flicking out a web onto the underside of the hoverboard where the engine is, trying to pry it off. 

Goblin notices this and becomes more reckless with his driving, trying to shake her off. Mindy struggles, grabbing on tight so she doesn't fall. 

While he's distracted, Hobie shakes out his limbs in preparation before strumming his electric guitar loudly. It echoes across the city, the Goblin's head flicks up just in time to see a piece of concrete flying towards him.

Unfortunately, it also hits Mindy, she tumbles downwards. 

Frantically, she tries to shoot webs to save herself, but she's out. Hobie's spider-sense alerts him as she falls pass the buildings. "Hobie!" She screams out desperately.

He shoots out a web, one hand holding onto her and the other holding onto the edge of a building nearby. Straining, he manages to pull himself onto the rooftop with one hand, reeling the web in.

When Mindy's close to the top, he reaches down, pulling her up by her waist. "You ok?" He asks breathlessly, his hands gripping onto her. 

"I'm fine," she whispers, clutching her stomach in pain. "Thanks."

"Mint," he says, his eyes widening with concern. "What?"

Hobie's eyes state at her belly, where a bullets gone straight through her. Blood is oozing out the wound and dripping down onto her legs.

 Following his eyes, she moves her hand away and gasps, stumbling backwards. Hobie grabs her before she falls out, and sits her down against the ledge.

Tapping his watch, Hobie tries to reach Miguel, when it gets through, he lets out a sigh of relief. "We need back-up," he begins slow, looking around and spotting another anomaly. 

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