𝟎𝟐𝟐; we collapse

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❝and as the earth burns to the ground,

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❝and as the earth burns to the ground,

oh, girl, it's you that i lie with!

-as the world caves in, matt maltese


THE SOFT YELLOW  glow of the streetlights reflects onto Mindy and Hobie's faces as they stare down at the black door, the letter 10 nailed onto it in silver metal. The silk curtains are pulled down, and the pavement is clear from reporters and protestors, an unusual sight. 

A seemingly peaceful office, but they know what's happening inside. Harry Osborn's planning on brainwashing the entire city to control them like puppets. Like father, like son. 

Hobie's hand in on the small of Mindy's back as they crouch on the building parallel to the one in front of them. He can feel her Venus dimples through her suit as he helps her balance, knowing full well she can do it on her own, really just finding an excuse to touch her.

There's a shaky feeling that's vibrating in Mindy's heart. This is the last day they had left to fix the canon event, by Midnight it's likely this universe will begin collapsing.

 Mindy had suggested staying home, but Hobie joked that he had to at least take her out on a date first, not knowing that this would be their last night. Hesitantly, Mindy had agreed, forcing a smile and gulping down the feeling of imminent doom.

And when Hobie had heard that she was ordered to kill Harry Osborn, he was immediately in. Of course their official first date would be murdering someone, how fitting. Plus, Hobie loved seeing Mindy in her new suit, it fit her so well, her personality and  her body.

When the lights flicker off inside 10 Downing Street, Mindy glances at Hobie. He has his mask off, which is a first, even he senses that something is about to happen, apart from them killing Harry. 

The only different between them is that one knows and the other doesn't, a complete switch over from their past argument, where Hobie knew she had a canon and she didn't. 

Now, she understands why he didn't tell her. 

She couldn't bare seeing the feelings that she felts in his eyes. The feeling of wasted potential, the ticking time bomb consuming your heart. 

"Are you ready?" Hobie whispers, reciprocating her gaze. Quickly, she gives him a peck on the lips. "Now I am."

Smiling like idiots, they swing down, planting their feet on the walls right about the window in which Harry Osborn sleeps. Maniacs like that didn't deserve to sleep. They deserve to be awake 24/7; constantly reminded of all the family's they ripped apart, the brains they scrambled, and the torture they caused for millions of people just by giving the Police too much power.

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