𝟎𝟎𝟔; tick... tick... tick...

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Pancakes. The warm, delicious smell of Mindy's dad's pancakes. It was starting to become a Sunday tradition of theirs. Her dad puts Mindy's plate on the table.

Soft, fluffy pancakes, with maple syrup and berries and banana. Mindy's insides melted. "Thank you, Dad." Captain McPherson goes and sits down with his plate. "No problem, love."

"Can't believe you're still working today," Mindy says, her mouth stuffed with pancakes. Her dad chuckles.

"There's that event at the community centre. They want me there, like some mall cop," he says and scoffs. Mindy laughs. "You do eat a lot of donuts, though."

Tick... tick... tick...

"Hey," The captain says, pretending to be hurt, and laughs.  Mindy's phone buzzes on the wooden table, a call from Hobie.

Her dad glances at it and raises his brows. "Um... sorry, Dad, I have to take this." The captain waves her off. "Yeah, whatever."

Mindy goes into the living room, pressing the answer button.

"Kingpin's planning something, I need you downtown, now."

"Hobie, I'm eating--"


Groaning, Mindy walks back into the dining room. "What was that all about," her dad questions.

"Wouldn't you like to know, nosey, he just asked a question about university," Mindy answers, finishing her pancakes quickly.

"I have to go," she says, getting up from her seat. "Thought it was just a question?" The captain says suspiciously. "It was, the question was, 'do you want to revise?'"

Mindy goes into her room and takes her suit out of her hiding place, stuffing it into a bag and walks out the door. "Bye, dad! Love you!" she calls out, slamming the door behind her.


KINGPIN throws Mindy against the wall. "Oi!" A shout can be heard, and Hobie swings in, kicking Kingpin straight across his face, making him fall to the ground.

Mindy groans, holding her stomach where Kingpin punched her earlier. Her eyes widen as the Prowler grabs her, flying across the room.

"Prowler, you get a new outfit?" Mindy says, pushing him away from his grip with her feet. The Prowler looks different from the world around him, his suit is more shiny and less animated.

Suddenly, colours burst out of him as he wriggles in pain, giving Mindy time to back up. "You seein' this?" Mindy asks through her comms.

Hobie punches Kingpin across the room then swings over so that he's standing next to Mindy. "Did you do that?" He asks, slightly impressed.

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