𝟎𝟏𝟗; broken web

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SHE LOOKS AT  him, anger on every one of her features, except for her eyes

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SHE LOOKS AT  him, anger on every one of her features, except for her eyes. Her eyes, which Hobie loves so much, are instead filled with sadness. It feels like a shard of glass has punctured one of his lungs when he recognises her emotions.

He didn't want to make her angry, let alone sad.

"I'm sure you and Gwen both know what I just informed Mindy," Miguel says, his back turned to the group as he taps some things on his screens. They both nod slowly, lowering their heads. 

"Luckily, she has agreed to my terms--"

"Woah!" Hobie protests. "What are you doing, Mindy? You'll die."

She raises her brows slowly, mouthing the words, 'I'm not.' Mindy knows that if she doesn't agree, Miguel will force her. It's better to lie and keep her free will, then refuse, and not. 

Plus, she doesn't really believe Hobie has the guts, especially now, to hurt her. However, the more she thinks about whether he would really kill her or not, the more she's unsure that he won't.

Still, Mindy's angry at him. Hobie's very aware of that, knowing her for so long. "It's worse knowing that you only said those things to make me not die, not because you truly meant it," she whispers sharply. "Mindy--" he begins.

"Quiet!" Miguel orders, interrupting them, even though he's almost getting what he wants. For them to be separated, for Mindy to turn into a villain like the story says. And for Hobie, a man that says he doesn't obey orders, he shuts up real fast.

Turning around, Miguel walks of his platform.

"I still don't understand what's happening," Miles says, looking at Mindy and Hobie who seem to be having a heated argument with their eyes, he looks away when Mindy notices him analysing them, intimidated by her glare. 

"What does this have anything to do with me saving the Inspector and the kid? I saved those people!" He says loudly, pointing his hand to his chest. 

Staring intensely at Miles, Miguel takes a few steps forward, replying, "And that's the problem." Miles' eyebrows furrow. "Lyla, do the thing," Miguel says, his slight accent prominent as he talks.

Popping up beside him, Lyla asks, "Huh? What thing?"

Miguel pauses for a second. "Huh? What do you mean 'what thing'?" He motions furiously with his hands, "the information, explaining thing."

"Oh, ok," Lyla remarks. Spreading her hands to the sky, the room is dissolved in darkness. A ball of white light comes down. 

Mindy rolls her eyes, "Great, this again," she utters, zoning their voices out, Miguel ignores her. The light ascends, so that it's just on the tip of Miles' nose. 

"What's this?" He asks. Miguel answers, "This... is everything." He looks at Miles with Lyla crossing her arms placed on his shoulder.

The light drops down like a drop of rain, a tree like pattern of light emerging from the ground as if a seed was just planted. It stretches out, different branches popping out. 

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