𝟎𝟏𝟏; porky

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WAKING UP IN the middle of the night, Hobie feels like he's comfortably cradling a hot water bottle. He groans softly and looks below his chin. 

Realising it's not a hot water bottle, and that it's Mindy, his brain goes into panic mode.

Oh my days, oh my days, oh my days, oh my days.

Hobie can't move, his head resting atop of hers and her face buried into his chest, they're bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.

One of his arms sits comfortably on her waist, the other laying on the pillow. Both of her arms are idly tucked into her own chest. 

Trying to move away, he shuffles slightly. 

A light flicks on, but Mindy doesn't wake up. Gwen stands at the end of the bed. "Bit of advice, Hobie? Don't pussy out of this," she whispers menacingly, turning the light off, Hobie hears her footsteps fade away.

What the actual fuck was that ?

Even with his many worries and things to stay up for, listening to Mindy's breathing drifts him off to sleep.


LIGHT SHINES onto Mindy's face, she tries to turn away from it, but someone pulls her back. 

Opening her eyes slowly, she sees it's Hobie and relaxes back into his arms, his warmth protecting her from the frosty air. 

Meanwhile, Gwen has the stove on in the kitchen. Cracking eggs into the pan, she begins to make breakfast. It's the least she could do.

Wait... Hobie ?

Looking up again, she stares at Hobie's face. His piercings shine a little with the morning sun and his eyes are shut, she's never seen him more relaxed in his life. "Hobie," she whispers.

Hobie murmurs, stirring slightly. "What?" He whispers back, opening his eyes. Mindy plays with his hair, as they just look into each others eyes, smiling.

"How do you wake up like that?" Hobie mutters in his morning voice, which is deeper and a little gravelly. "Like what?" Mindy asks, smiling.

"So beautiful," he observes, scanning her features, eventually landing on her lips, staying there for a few seconds. "Whatever," Mindy replies, her face burying into his chest again, Hobie can feel her grin.


THAT AFTERNOON Mindy and Hobie decide that Gwen needs to get out. She's anxious about sticking out like a sore thumb, but they assure her that everyone's different in their universe, and she eventually agrees.

Swinging across London Bridge, tourists below snap pictures of them, while the Police make sure they have their batons close to them. 

"This is crazy, Big Ben isn't anything like this in my universe," Gwen says, swinging slightly ahead and landing on a pole. Clearly, Big Ben has been covered in graffiti.

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