chapter four

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I smiled standing in front of the door greeting the guests like I wasn’t in the middle of torturing someone.

you lead them to their respective seat and went back to your place by the door striking random conversation with these random gangs that came.

You sighed as you didn’t see any of the people you mentioned, you would need to play part 2 of your plan if they didn’t appear soon. “oh y/n! There you are!” you smiled recognizing the voice “UNCLE!” you grinned turning around and jumping on the man, hugging him. “Missed you too kiddo, did that man really die?” He asked suspiciously as you nodded “Yeah! I was there at the burial” I grinned “ah so my brother really died out of a pathetic illness, tch” he muttered clicking his tongue.

You chuckled then you gasped as you saw your idol in chaos “DOFFY!!” you shouted happily as you ran towards the man and hugged his leg.

“fufufufu, guess you finally grew up to be a great woman” he grinned patting your head “did you see my last crime?!” you asked very excitedly- which you weren’t supposed to talk in that way about a murder, a very gruesome one at that. “oh yeah! I’ve seen it, I can’t believe that someone as small as you could do such a thing but after all you are his daughter” he laughed as you frowned taking your gun out and pointing it at him “I dare you to repeat the fact that I’m his daughter one more time and I won’t hesitate to shoot” you smiled as you took the safety off “sorry, sorry, I won’t repeat that. You are your own person and you do not want to be in the same category as him” he apologized, you put the safety back on and hid the gun back “did you know you look good in that dress, y/n-ya” smiled law from behind “LAW! MY FAVORITE PERSON IN THE WORLD AFTER MY BROTHER” you yelled as you hugged him “thanks for the compliment by the way, you look marvelous in that suite” you added as you stared at the shocked faces of his crew mates “You know THE y/n” they asked shocked than ever. “law is my childhood buddy as well as-“ your answer was cut off by the yell of a very familiar voice and two arms wrapped around you “N/N!” and you were yanked back from them into the chest of a straw hatted man “yo, luffy” you smiled “n/n meet my crew mates” he smiled making you face the shocked faces of at least 10? People “oh? Nice to meet you! I’m y/n l/n, luffy’s childhood friend” you smiled “He has a daughter…” muttered an orange haired girl that was paper sheet white “And she’s a friend of luffy…” whispered a Pinocchio looking guy “She’s way worst than her father so I must warn you to not insult her” smiled a dark haired woman, “YOU’RE NOT HELPING ROBIN!” they all yelled except for a Blondie and a green haired one.

You got out of luffy’s grasp and walked towards the green one then you stood still “is that your real hair color? Or did you dye it?” you asked shocking them “it’s my natural hair color…” he answered “That’s cool, OH MY DEAR GOD! I FORGOT I NEED TO GREET THE GUESTS. I will see you again sometime, bye luffy, bye funny people I don’t know” you smiled as you ran to the door and you happened to arrive at the same time the whitebeard crew did, your smile grew bigger if that was possible “Welcome to my party! I apologize if any of my subordinates seemed quite rude to you, you are to be escorted to the VIP room. This way please” you smiled as you saw a certain blond someone looking at you very shocked, you lead them to the room and made sure they were all comfortable “now if you may excuse me, I have some errands to attend to” you bowed and you were about to leave but a voice stopped you “Y/n. May I have a word with you?” you turned around to be faced with a certain blonde man, you very much adore “of course” you smiled.

You two stood outside staring at each others until he pulled you in a hug “missed you too Marco” you chuckled “You’re alright! I can’t believe my eyes yoi, did he really die?! Did you take that crap of a gang he had?! Y/n you’re too young for that” he questioned shacking you back and forth like that will make the answers fall out “okay, okay! I’ll answer just a minute” you quietly said making him slowly take his hands off you “I am alright, he really died and I made sure of that. I did take that shitty gang of his” you answered “So all those crime related to the leader, you really… Y/N!!?” he shouted finally realizing what’s happening, “I mean only the past 7 years belong to me” you smiled “now that’s way worst yoi” he sighed rubbing his forehead “I know we have a lot to catch up with, but can that wait? I have to greet the guests” you grinned as you walked away waving at him “see you later, little angel yoi” he sighed and walked back to the room.

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