Chapter fifteen

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When I woke up I jumped from bed and looked around in alarm after a few minutes I deemed it as safe, I calmed myself down then I heard footsteps and to me it wasn’t a good sign. I immediately hid under the bed (because the sheets were too long and reached the ground)

Soon enough the door opened “yeah! He was- HE DISAPPEARED!” yelled the voice making me flinch “He couldn’t get far from here, after all he’s injured” answered another voice “but I wanted to talk with him” whined the first voice “we’ll find him” sighed the first voice then the door closed, I went out of my hiding spot and opened the door looking around I saw the same man with blond hair and there’s a black haired one with him.

I walked out of the room and went the opposite direction that they went from. I was wondering around when they saw me ‘okay shit, so run? Nah I’m too injured for that. How did I run through a whole forest without bleeding to death, I dunno.’

(We’d like to call it plot armor)

 I thought as I stood before the two men, them towering over me “so you’re the little mouse” grinned the black haired while the Blondie hit him “be polite” he said while crouching to my height “why were you running out of the forest injured like that?” he asked “Ah, by the way I’m Rayleigh. And he’s Roger” he added smiling I stared at him without muttering a word backing away each passing second ‘these are the same names f/n mentioned before! Why am I here?! My luck is so fucking bad’ I thought as Roger caught my arm “listen here brat, you will answer our questions. We know that you can talk, drop the act” Roger scoffed sounding pissed off and that alone made red flags flash in my mind.

I kicked him in the chin and he let go of me out of surprise then I slided backward “Don’t- don’t you dare touch me!” I threatened glaring at him “okay kid calm down, he doesn’t mean any harm. We just want to know why you were injured” Rayleigh sighed getting up and putting Roger behind him.

The more he stepped closer the more I moved away then he stopped as if he made a realization “We want to help you okay?” he sighed as I kept glaring at them “and how can I trust you?” I asked “well we didn’t let you on the street and let you bleed to death, we bandaged your wounds and your not in a cell or something” he answered making me flinch ‘okay yeah maybe? Should I trust them? I dunno… Ah, I hate thinking so much.. they didn’t kill me or tie me up yet they treated my wounds and they’re even trying to check on well being. That man is so fucking unfriendly while the other is the complete opposite…. Should I trust them?’ I thought looking between them “Okay… maybe you’re right” I sighed “SO WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!” yelled Roger making me flinch “St- stop shouting…please?” I stuttered taking a step back ‘okay maybe not’ I thought “Roger please shut up! You’re scaring the kid” groaned Rayleigh “I’m shanks…” I answered the question that they’ve been bugging me with. Both of them perked up at that “The missing kid from 3 years ago?” frowned Roger “3- 3years…” I repeated shocked ‘I’ve been in that hell hole for 3 years?!’ I thought “So where were you all this time? Why did you suddenly appear all injured?” asked Roger this time more calmly “I- I- got kidnapped… And I finally escaped” I replied looking down “okay, enough questions. We don’t want to make him uncomfortable. Come on let’s change your bandages it’s all bloodied” sighed Rayleigh putting his hand out to me ‘Should I take his hand?! Uh nope! Nuh, no way’ I thought putting my hands behind my back.


A week later and Roger was following me around like my shadow, he just won’t let me out of his sight!! Doesn’t he have a job to do or something?! Rayleigh has prepared a room for me. The only thing I did as of now was just explore the base I’m in. Somehow the ignorant bastard is the leader of a mafia group which is weird since he acts like he’s fucking 5. I finally found out that my old house was burnt down and I was considerate missing since that day. 3 years had passed and I’m 14 now kinda weird how times fly by huh?

It was only 3 years yet it felt like an eternity, guess the constant torture has affect my brain.

Moreover, I’ve been having nightmares since I’ve escaped and it keeps me up at night.

The only thing I’ve seemed to notice is that I can still see through my eye, thankfully I wasn’t blinded by the three scares.

No matter what I do, I have to make a plan to murder that bastard for what he had done to me, to my parents, to my… sister. He has to fucking pay!


Y/n POV:

‘Run, run, RUN! Keep running. Don’t stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop!’ these were the thought repeating in my mind as I ran away from the base behind me. The constant shouts of the guards reaching my ears didn’t help my panicked state. Suddenly I tripped, and hit my head hard. The throbbing pain didn’t matter to me but what mattered was the pair of boots that were in front of me.

I looked up slowly and saw my worst nightmare, standing in front of me “did you think you can escape me? Little toy?” he asked reaching for you but you knocked him away with a strong wind. “Stay away!” you yelled getting up and backing up as you finally realized what you’ve done “you dare raise your voice at me? YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!” he yelled

“yes she does, have a problem with that?” you looked back and saw the only person you wanted to see all this time “PAPA!” you yelled as you ran towards him and hugged his leg shacking a lot afraid if you let go he’ll disappear like he was never there “you’ll pay for what you’ve done to my daughter” he stated shooting him in each limb (like right leg and hand then left leg and hand) afterwards shooting him the stomach a couple times.

The blood flowing out of his body didn’t scare you nor did you flinch when he shot him that many times slowly emptying at least two guns worth of ammo on a man like that. The man was suffering from the blood loss and his pained yells and pants said it all, you stared emotionlessly at that then the gun was in front of you “wanna do the honor of the last shot honey?” asked your father.

You took the gun and smiled your eyes a void of emotions “everyone underestimates me and then they turn their back and I’m like boomyou grinned shooting him, saying the same lines he does while shooting his victims.

Your smile fell as your knees gave out under you “Papa I’m tired” you whispered as he picked you up “don’t worry, sleep y/n. Papa’s gonna protect you” he smiled lightly as your eyes closed.


“papa?” you muttered as you opened your eyes “yes dear?” he asked holding your small hand in his “is the nightmare over? Is that man gone?” you asked looking at him “yes, and he’s never coming back… if he does! Call my name and I’ll be there to protect you!” he smiled ‘papa is really nice now… I wish to never wake up if this is a dream…’ you thought


You layed down in bed staring at the ceiling of your room “papa… he’s back… are you gonna be here to save me again?” you whispered a single tear escaping your eye.


Shanks has trust issues and it's confirmed.

What is going to happen to the little red-haired after he recover?!

Y/n had been rescued by f/n from big W before?

An empty promise that was made yet it's never gonna be fulfilled...

Is y/n feeling guilty?

What will happen to our main couple while they're in a coma?!

Stay tuned to find out!

Love ya all <3

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