Chapter twenty-four

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ACE!!!!!!” I shouted running faster, he turned around and saw the red dog running toward him.

I quickly made the ground raise underneath him then I flew up and caught him “You’re gonna leave this damned place alive” you groaned as you landed beside luffy and putting ace down.

Akainu tried to mock whitebeard which agitated ace a lot, making him try to spring back to the fight if I didn’t quickly catch him and put him behind my back “Ace, take luffy and run. Calm down and don’t let your emotions control you, that’s the worst thing you could do in a battle” you sighed making a sword and glaring at Akainu “So you’re the bastard that killed me? The one who shot my damned child” you scowled. ‘I need to finish this quick, and then go back to the island. I’m tired and I need so much rest! Shanks baby! Where are you!’ you thought with a sigh then you got in your fighting stance.

Covering the sword in haki, you launched yourself forward and attacked him but he covered his hands in haki and tried hitting you in the stomach but you rolled out of the way.

Your glare hardened and you twirled your sword and pierced it in the ground with a smirk “Earth attack” you smiled as the ground beneath him cracked and launched him upwards, you following in tow.

You made another sword since the other one was still in the ground, you jumped at him and in one swift motion you landed down and so did he. You both glared at each others until he fell down coughing up blood and a slash appeared on his chest.

You smiled walking towards him, you raised your leg and pressed it on his wound “I dare you, to try and kill my friends ever again. I won’t hesitate to make that your last day on earth. Don’t you dare, disrespect a legend like whitebeard.” You growled pressing further on his wound with each threat, he finally fainted from blood loss and the pain.

You scoffed walking away from him to the brothers ”Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?! Oh my god! Come here, my poor babies!” you cried hugging them both tightly that’s when you realized an energy creeping towards you slowly.

You let them go and turned around harshly putting your leg up at your ‘enemy’s’ throat, until you realized it’s Marco “Oh, hey Marco!” you smiled putting your leg down. A new presence was made when shanks came in, you looked at him with a raised brow as you saw his messed up state. Dark circles under his eyes, that angry frown or his tense posture. Benn looked more tired than usual probably due to shanks being that way.

Your gaze followed his and you were immediately gasped as you saw whitebeard’s dead body, standing with teach at his feet grinning madly.

You thought he was your friend? You thought he was nice? You thought he was good? Why would he do that?! Teach, FUCKING MARCHELL D. TEACH!

You were fuming with rage, you weren’t only fuming you were a ticking bomb at this point “this war stops here, And if anyone wish for a fight we’ll gladly fight them” shanks stated calmly but the authority and anger in that statement was clear as day to you or maybe you spent that much Time analyzing shanks.

Sengoku seemed to be in a panic and Mihawk had already started retreating as he said and I quote “I agreed to fight whitebeard and his allies not shanks and y/n” you were tired from moving too much and using your devil fruit power excessively but you had one more task to do, you saw that the whitebeard pirates had already retreated to their ship. Dragging an unconscious Ace and luffy on the way to Trafalgar’s ship. Shanks and his Crew also went back to their ship.

You smiled as you floated up in the air the ground below shacking and your eyes dimming slowly a sadistic smirk on your face. “I swore didn’t I?” you grinned as realization and panic filled their eyes after all most of them were devil fruit users. The whole island begun sinking underwater Which made them panic more. As soon as you made sure the whole island drowned you teleported back to your island and fell down as Rayleigh came to your aid with the ghost of your past self who was smiling “YOU DID IT!” She smiled and helped you sit down “I did it” you grinned as you slipped to a dreamless sleep.

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