11 - Fossil (6 star - Brawler Guard Class)

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Code Name: Fossil
Real Name: Jan L. Ortiz
Gender: Male
Race: Archosauria
Origin: Sargon
Height: 193 cm
Combat experience: 31 Years
Date of birth: August 31st
Relationship towards operators:
• Eunectes (Rival)
• Gavial (Coworker)
• Rangers (Friend)
• Flint (Best Friend)
• Mountain (Friend)

Physical exam:

Physical strength: [OUTSTANDING]
Mobility: [EXCELLENT]
Physical resilience: [EXCELLENT]
Tactical acumen: [STANDARD]
Combat skill: [OUTSTANDING]
Originium Arts Assimilation: [POOR/FLAWED]

Operator Fossil had come to Rhodes Island under Gavial's recommendations to the officials for further Oripathy treatment, he exchanged his medical expenses for serving as a combat operator. However, upon his first month in Rhodes Island and Lungmen, he is in a state of struggling to adapt to the new world under bigger technology and culture.

Clinical analysis:

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 14%
Operator Fossil is currently showing no conspicuous symptoms of infection. However, originium crystals are present on the surface of Fossil's wrist.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.19 u/L
Operator Fossil has come to contact with Originium back in his home country, although it comes from a manmade mining site of Eunectes. There is a certain risk of infection and will require careful follow-up observations.

Archive File 1
Fewer health inspections indicate that Jan has been in contact with Oripathy in one unfaithful event in Sargon, there are no signs of physical crystals on the surface yet its still needed further monitoring and medication for his own health. Even with the Oripathy infecting his body, it never slowed him down on the battlefield and there had been cases of his own recklessness causing a few damages on Rhodes' property despite his own hatred against mechanical technology especially his past rivalry with Eunectes. We hope his own behavior settles down by the time he gets used to living his new life and adapting to the new world with technology.

Archive File 2
To most people know, the Archosauria are a warrior race, all of whom are combat ready. However, Jan's own kind is a separate kind of family unlike most of Gavial's tribe community. His own kind was the least known tribe of all as they are more isolated than the others and they aren't much to be found where they civilize themselves some of the locals stated that they can be found in small hunting groups in the deep forest, according to our interview with Tomimi she stated that Jan's tribe is the largest and strongest of all as they possessed the Archosauria's primal genes from their past ancestors with their average height may stand in 175 cm to 180 cm at the teenage life and these people are born to fight for their own survival as one. Although Jan is standing around 193 cm in his adulthood yet it is still possible that he keeps growing more taller and stronger, all of these abnormalities from him are not involved by the infection of Oripathy but it runs around his genes being one of the tallest amongst his tribe.

Archive File 3
After months of Operator Fossil working for Rhodes Island, he becomes an approachable employee due to his overly curious personality seeing the more advanced stuff than the ones he usually does in Sargon, although he caused a little ruckus for sometimes handling a new phone brought by a friend of his which is flint herself. His current work performance had been neutral progress on his own development in other studies cultures he managed to learn the Yan language in a matter of five months, during training sessions, Jan almost managed to lift fifteen times his own weight in any type of weight lifting classes provided by Broca and in combat he is more skilled than most of the fighter guards in terms of close combat, terrain adaptability, and overpowered strength. However, he is very vulnerable to Arts casters for he relied on physical combat and is less experienced against enemy casters during an operation in the Lungmen slums where got a dislocated arm that impressively recovered in a matter of six weeks, throughout all this newer experience he gains from the advance world of terra he still got a long journey to go with us in Rhodes island.

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