02 - Marksman (6 Star - Hunter Sniper Class)

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Code Name: Persha
Real Name: Persha Violetta
Gender: Female
Race: Sankta
Origin: Laterano
Height: 175 Cm
Combat experience: 15 years

Relationship towards operators:
•Noir (Friend)
•Shirayuki (Companion)
•Mostima (Rival)

Physical exam:
[Physical strength] Normal
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical resilience] Standard
[Tactical acumen] Excellent
[Combat skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard

Known as the adventurous Sankta of Laterano who have been searching for her lost brother for many years along crossing path with the Ronin Oni who also seeks redemption must be done on the long journey, known as a war veteran soldier of Laterano but unknowingly disappears during the last counterattack on the frontline boarders.

Clinical analysis:

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 0%
Operator Persha shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.12u/L
Operator Persha bought and carries Originium ammunitions as well as materials each needed for extra ammunitions in case of emergency during the crossfire, but it has not caused infection to date.

Archive File 1
Operator Persha joined Rhodes Island in a few days after the arrival of Kagami himself, aside from the little issues of Kagami's arrival, Persha is  very close to him and controlled the issue well until peace was held. 

 There are few articles of her spread newsfeed around Laterano over years until the news died out like a myth yet there are little stories of her heroic justice on every invasion events occurs, however her firearm is a different class of gun than the other firearm user operators such as Executor and Exusiai, the firearm doesn't need to be fired once or twice but a rapid fire gun until the muzzle is lighting red hot and smoking hot to change magazines then the firearm is unable to fire after half a minute with no signs of the sizzling smoke coming out from the muzzle.

Archive File 2
There are questions being rumored by the Sanktas and wherever they try to question themselves... there is this question that why she come aboard to Rhodes Island aside following Operator Ronin on the journey and lastly what position was she back in Laterano, we tried to open up and build a good relation of good friendship until a few months of development she finally open to these important questions.

During all the years of her military service in Laterano, she found herself in an ambush on the mountains by enemy outlanders crossing a secret tunnel towards Laterano's weakest defense spots and most of the numbers of her fellow comrades kept reducing in every second passed shot dead. In every sweat she drops... she finally felt the intense pressure surging around her consciousness yet a voice kept calling her name and spoke the word "Sister", somehow she survived the endless waves of outlanders in the mountains in each one of them are marked K.I.A on their lifeless bodies. From there she realized these outlanders were all just children with all their conditions being covered over 20% - 30% Originium crystal density and was immune to pain thanks to illegal mixed drugs found during the investigation of a single survivor where she purposely missed the shot.

All the true cruelty of the world was seen by her own eyes, it didn't took too long that her mind wanted to get out of the military service however the Military and the Laterano superiors refused the offer of retirement as she was known as the excellent marksman of Laterano before Exusiai's time. That time she planned everything to escape and become missing in action during an army of mercenaries invaded the city by making herself in an danger zone of installed bombs underneath her own traps and triggered the explosives while she crawled out of the abandoned tunnels to escape successfully. we completely got absorbed too much on her past that we realized everything we questioned was not the right one but only a key point to her reasons of joining Rhodes Island, As for the unanswered questions she wanted to talk about it to another time which sure patience must be waited.

Archive File 3
According to Operator Persha's position back in Laterano, she was nothing but a ordinary soldier who serves the Laterano' Military Defense Force for almost 16 years of service but the kind of gun arsenal she wielded was out of the ordinary positions of the Pontifica Cohors Lateran's elite special force arsenal bought in every missions and escorts. A high powered and great firerate gun but a slight backlash of its recoil if fired longer its accuracy isn't that much accurate to hit its target in a longer distance, these were the weapons of massive destruction used by the high table mentioned by Operator Kagami mention and must be not stolen by anyone or else the rise of forbidden weaponry will be exposed to the world causing a crisis towards the entire world of Terra. 

How she get her hands into this gun is a historic past of her veteran grandfather from Lateran who worked for the Pontifica Cohors for decades and changed course to the Notarial Hall to serve Lateran's Politics and Government. Not at the age able to carry the gun around the public due to it's heavy weight composed of heavy class minerals and materials, the gun was passed down to her hands than given to her abusive father who mistakenly killed her own mother in cold blood and taken behind bars and later on got a death penalty over the betraying few of the laws of the court so she's under custody of her grandfather at the young age of a child.

Archive File 4
There was once a day of a tragic incident back in Laterano happened few years ago, Everything was going smoothly on the day since she got no extra curricular activities on such a cloud weather. Payed a small visit on her grandfather outside the Landen Monastery but now known for its best fine homemade beer and bread than it was a training ground from the Apostolic Knights, all went well to a small chat of memorable memories and separate ways as her grandfather since his duty is still on the clock moving. Headed another direction from the Monastery a place where the children came lively and happy together without a single problem, a place where they all learn proper discipline and simple academic to children.

Operator Persha somehow had an adopted little brother still the age of a child and a very kind and talented boy, especially in his academic studies recorded to be the smartest child known from Ark of Covenant Academy, the two thought-siblings agreed to have a small meet up on her little brother on the glaring light of high noon by the entrance of the academy, with the three family separated as two waited somewhere on a peaceful table to eat lunch while she search food vendor to purchase their great meal. Unfortunately... everything of everyone's smiles and each family vanished like ashes in a single snap of the destructive cause of the catastrophe, her grandfather's life came to a tragic halt of existence in front of her very eyes, but her little brother went missing which led her to Rhodes alongside with her partner.

Promotion File
Persha's work shifts aren't much of a hassle since she finished her own task 1.5 times faster than any of the other operators performance here in Rhodes Island so she had 2 hours and a half to do her own personal business which is to make reused etched bullet shells new again and if not then she tends to hang out with her partner often to tease him during his own shift hours(Dormitory, Kitchen, Training Room), Sometimes these two go out occasionally together with the A4(Action 4) Squad and Oni operators for a small feast on their own holiday on every mid-September. At least they can have some time for their happiness with everyone.

Speaking of the request from Operator Kagami, Both partners agreed to a request of transferring their own daughter to stay on Rhodes till the threat of oripathy ends in the further future. With the toll votes of the agreements of all operators here in rhodes the numbers were close to 90 percent of the votes agreed this request to be a fine decision except for a few of the 10 percent including Operator Kal'tsit, the operation went well since persha leads the few of the squad members to hold off some of the mercenaries on their positions while a few of the others were led by Kagami on picking his daughter Silvia somewhere to a secret passage leading them to a safe path back to rhodes unguarded on the whole operation. With all the objectives done the casualties are all perfect zeroes and their daughter came to Rhodes with a happy arrival, i hope we all get along with this wonderful family. 

(Owner: Kagami Koshin)

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