04 - Wolf(6 Star - Pioneer Van Guard Class)

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Code Name: None
Real Name: Ayumiko Yuuki
Gender: Female
Race: Lupo
Origin: Siracusa
Height: 169 Cm
Combat experience: 11 years
Relationship towards operators:
•Yun(Best Friend) 

Physical exam:

Physical strength: [Standard]
Mobility: [Excellent]
Physical resilience: [Standard]
Tactical acumen: [Poor]
Combat skill: [Excellent]
Originium Arts Assimilation: [Standard]

Ayumiko Yuuki, considered to be Yun's companion or others she speaks is he is part of her family and strangely all records of her existence was classified unknown due no clear data gathered or any information from Siracusa. However for now she is quite the different vibes from the other Lupo species.

Clinical analysis:

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 5%
Small traces of infection are visible on the surface of the body.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.23u/L
Operator Yuuki didn't begin treatment until her infection had spread to a considerable extent. All other indicators are normal, which goes to show she leads a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to this, her condition isn't very severe.

Archive File 1
Ever since the first arrival was quite the heat of the battle when it comes to operator Lappland taking a bad impression towards her like she tried to stomped her down with her cockiness attitude and yes the two had somehow held their rivalry now that Texas accidentally gets included by this absurd problem of the Lupos, but thanks to Yuuki's companion Operator Yun is there to settle their nonsense to a truce but this took almost half a year to end its rivalry with all of his great efforts. 

All these months of her training operations are unexpectedly too excellent to be used in any situations on any operations around the entire terra but surprisingly her endurance and resilience are poor deciding her to be paired with Yun in case if she ran of juice to fight back, but Yun suggested not to let her do the all hard work or she'll loose her senses which is dangerous to anyone be enemy or ally.

Archive File 2
Sometimes approaching Operator Yuuki can be a difficult task since all conversations are shown a cold and emotionless side of her, however Operator Yun got used to the sheer cold speeches of yuuki and been slowly got close to her very well over the years together in Lungmen. Among the other operators, Only Jaye and Hung are the only individuals got used to her and opened various conversations but only around with Yun's presence. As for Lappland, the two get along well now as these two are a good pair on a operation since Yuuki's fighting tactics involves stealth silent or sometimes close combat in the parallel environment of the city unlike Yun and Lappland's tactics able to support her poor awareness since she focuses in one objective.

Archive File 3

No matter what that weapon she wielded I guaranteed that big knife weapon 'thingy', is certainly alive!. impossible you think?, well this 'thing' is somehow connected to her as it can be only be wielded by someone worthy on its own wishes. we can say this is some kind of weapon forged and created in different minerals centuries-old given by its past design and unlikely purpose to wield on today's modern art and weapons, its the heaviest kind of sword recorded back in a century where this thing needed to be lifted by a man with both of his hands hold tight and steady while maintaining both of his and the sword's weight. However the kind of weapon we've seen is none other than a big knife that weights 10 pounds that literary a only stab and slash purpose weapon! yet she somehow wielding it easily like its nothing but a toy to her own size, only few were able to lift it by pure strength only lasted longer than 5 minutes till some told that it is getting heavier than they expect to be. This thing sure is very much alive to my own eyes or is it just my imagination. 

Archive File 4

Further new reports from the Human resources office found old rumors of the "Forgotten Family" is somewhat to be part of Yuuki's family as these group formed itself over the years without the authorities of the Six families of Siracusa, Former Sicarusan Mafia member Broca confirmed the old rumor as it was actually a planned assassination from the six families itself for being provoked by her own family by stating themselves as a stable group over the years of investment, foreign weapon trading, and other illegal activities that made them compete the Six families. 

As for Operator yuuki's childhood past, she lost everything she loved at her stage of life as a child and lived in a harsh environment over the years living poorly on the streets of Locomotiva and Palermo. This explains her signs of infections of the Oripathy itself however even though it is a small infection where her conditions aren't severed, she already suffers memory lost of her past and seen herself as a lost knight journeyed to find her own home shown from an old tale book authored by a Kazimierz writer. 

Promotion File:
As far we can only further investigate and predict of Operator Yuuki's staying here in Rhodes island, we can confirm that she is not much a threat to us as family and had the same goal as Operator Yun his only closest friend she have. Sometimes her personality quite changes as she can be a possible patient suffering bipolar disorder or if the two signs of mental symptoms called Bipolar Brain Fog  but only occurs rarely within 5 months and will last for a day of treatment or worst since these days of events triggers during Important operations, there might be no successful treatment of memory loss and bipolar disorder in medical treatment even around terra itself but we might have fewer possible solutions to balance and understand her behavior well but still proceeding the cure of disorders and the oripathy diseases can be a long-lasting challenge for every employee of Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals Inc. as well as Rhime Lab LLC. 

She maybe a dangerous individual like the other mercenary employees but she had a caring smile and a big heart towards everyone, Rhodes island must keep its promises true for people like her.

Owner: @Yuuki606

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