06 - Terminator(6 Star - Dollkeeper Specialist Class)

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Code Name: Proton/Proto
Real Name: Project Prototype
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Origin: Laterano
Height: 187cm
Combat experience: 30 years
Date of Creation: May 6th
Relationship towards operators:
•Ion(Best Friend)

Physical exam:

Physical strength: Excellent
Mobility: Excellent
Physical resilience: Excellent
Tactical acumen: Outstanding
Combat skill: Excellent
Originium Arts Assimilation: Poor/Flawed

Somehow we all of Rhodes Island are greeted in a cold manner of his first appearance after a certain report of Operator Asbestos's squad in the middle between Rim Billiton and Iberia boarders, however, he is not a well-socialized guy and only feels comfortable around his brother Ion.

Clinical analysis:

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 25%
The infection had been stable for years but still need monitorization twice or trice a week, one sign of the Originium erosion which is located on the middle of his heart.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.35 u/L
Reaching mid stage infection levels, but sometimes it is hard to believe that there's no signs of worst infection pace over the days or months than the other patients.

Archive File 1
Previous report from operator Asbestos of Rim Billiton along with two operators from Iberia faction Glaucus and Blue Poison made a discovery of a lost research lab located between the two countries boarder, the place isn't very much secured to give an explorations so the job was passed down to operator Flamebringer to satisfy his own request instead of pressurize on challenging stronger foes yet this is the time he fall from a made up deal from the doctor. Unfortunately they come crossed paths with a group of two unidentified individuals inside the abandoned lab alone but soon engaged combat by Flamebringer himself on one of strangers encountered, surprisingly the four operators joined forces to take down this tough as steel and swiftly as lightning guy fighting himself alone while he seemed to be protecting his colleague. The fight lasted half an hour but the joined forces were astonishingly defeated by the remarkable opponent fought them all by himself yet the fight was stopped from his colleague then settle an peaceful discussion to halt the violence.

Archive File 2
Speaking of being present around the abandoned laboratory is quite a long story that his colleague is his the only person he called brother over the years of experiment project, this place was once called his only home before the last project named "UN1ON" turned out to be a failure after keeping the same progress of procedures used over and over again for the 100th time until it caused a great explosion destroying everything even recorded papers of possible opened projects. The destruction didn't prolonged enough but the casualties were very devastated including the professional scientist and innocent personnel, except his brother who was escorted out safely and while they are living normally there are fewer gangsters and other hitmans hired to eliminate Ion and make Proton into another part of someone's project so he is taking the risk of protecting themselves till they decided to return to the lab with no trace to be found in the public. Asbestos and the other operators understand the their struggle but still Flamebringer himself is itching for a rematch after seeing embarrassed in front of the others despite they lend him a helping hand ago.

Archive File 3
Operator Proto's current training performance took an absurd spike to the top in the first day of the physical examination test, despite his flawed results of using arts abilities he excels more on close combat operations alone after fewer rejections of assistance. Even medical results shows huge threats of loosing his every own life yet he seemed very calm and unharmed of the Oripathy spreading around his own respiratory system, such extraordinary individual be made by unknown company with amazing scientist like his brother Ion created such monstrosity even I thought of myself that what's the purpose of making a innocent life into a ruthless weapon. Not to mention he even outmatched 85% of the guard operators without using his very own tactical arts knife that may possible to disable to arts abilities be infected or Originium contained on arsenals, even Operator Surtr had a tough time dealing him after very own arts abilities got disarmed on the tactical knife's shockwave range, although she was beaten he gave a helping hand and a slight smile as a sign of respect after each spar.

Archive File 4
Discovery of old articles which includes professor Ion and Proton involved of the scientific business named as "RECREATIONAL Cooperation", known to be a secret organization involved in recreating new life for the better future of terra but unfortunately they are involved in many abductions of innocent lives in order to proceed their own experiments on going but Ion's case is a different one with no lives involved on his procedures. Project Prototype was one to be a killing machine to eliminate given targets or orders given from the organization but in part of the contract to officially make him serve as a bodyguard on assigned operations, Ion himself proposed to create emotions to Proton as part of their oath but the approval took more than a year and another fewer years to reprogram his emotions but the separation between robotic and human behavior is always inevitable.

Promotion File:
As for the year of observation and being an operator of Rhodes island, Operator Proto soon began to humble down towards us as he now felt we are no longer seen as threat and for now he is in search of his lost friends involved from the secret organization all around terra. Due to his own expedition in search of lost friends he is pretty much occupied on taking fewer operations but still he may have little chances being on the mission assigned by the doctor and been giving huge impact for the team, that besides his own brother or Professor Ion is now officially part of Rhodes island's medical research team along side with Rhine lab LLC. taking biological and medical studies. Aside from work, the rivalry between Proton and Flamebringer is quite popular to be heard due to their intense battles each other during training sessions and yet they do get along very well now these days.

(Owner: Kagami Koshin)

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