Hanako Audio File

6 1 0

Appointed as assistant
Calling for backup? you got it, doctor!
Talk 1
I've got an extra extension for you to stand on, it is going to be a fun ride!
Talk 2
Giving up is like opening another opportunity in life, whether to make a change for the greater good or be the opposite...
Talk 3
You've seen a medic with a gun? well, there are some of the Higashians women allowed to have such weaponry.
Talk after promotion 1
Where did my salary mostly go? that's a big secret. 
Talk after promotion 2
You truly are the most interesting person I've met, i trust you with all of my life as your shield and bandage.
Talk after trust increase 1
without a sacrifice... where can we achieve such victory. Losing the ability to walk for the price of surviving, is enough for me to strive for saving the infected.
Talk after trust increase 2
My wishlist? rocket thrusters extensions all the way! dangerous you say? i call it situational.
Talk after trust increase 3
Has haya been causing trouble lately? No? thank goodness... he is pretty much not someone who likes to talk a lot. 
Hm? Is there something on my face?
Combat medic Suzuki is present! Bring me to the field or lab and my profession will not disappoint you, doctor.
Watching battle record
I should have copies of these for Hayashi to review, thank you for giving me this, doctor.
Promotion 1
Did i finally get a raise? that's exciting to hear!
Promotion 2
Thank you for believing in the capabilities of my skills dear doctor! As always i've proven myself that i am useful to the team!
Added to squad
Good day to you everyone~
Appointed as squad leader
Alright everyone! Let's do this according to the plan!
Here it comes!
Begin operation
Keep yourselves busy, i got your backs.
Selecting operator 1
Just a minute!
Selecting operator 2
Deployment 1
I'm here everyone.
Deployment 2
Keep up the pace!
In battle 1
Slow down!
In battle 2
Backup is here!
In battle 3
Hang on tight!
In battle 4
Changing shells!
4-star result
You've really proven how we can handle a situation like this... well-done doctor.
3-star result
Requesting emergency treatment, those bruises and cuts can be lethal if not treated well.
Sub 3-star result
Darn it... Just let Haya chase them off...
Operation failure
No! i am not leaving him out there again! Let me save him!
Assigned to facility
This place needs a little retouch, and flowers too! haha.
Excuse me?
Trust tap
hey doctor! did you like the flowers around? Hayashi helped me around.
Doctor! Here's some coffee for the day!

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