Inferno Audio File

48 0 0

Appointed as assistant
Need me for the role of assistant? well of course! I'm happy to help you Doctor!
Talk 1
Jaye is here too? Man I can finally eat some of his signature dishes.
Talk 2
You caught me staring at the angry lupo, i can't help it since she's quite the pain to deal with if your not used to it.
Talk 3
How the flames taste you say? Well it taste like grilled spicy seafood.
Talk after promotion 1
It seems her rampage slows down, thank you for understanding her doctor.
Talk after promotion 2
Half of my LMD income will be on paying the damages of Yuuki's mess so I only get 25 percent of it and the other is for her monthly allowance.
Talk after trust increase 1
Ugh... She's slacking off again but don't worry i can handle her.
Talk after trust increase 2
Doctor! Do you know why my clothes wouldn't be burned? My friend Shaw made this as a fire safety precaution material.
Talk after trust increase 3
There she goes... Hm? No I'm quite worried since this is the first time seeing her take responsibility on her actions slowly.
Ah Doctor! Wanna see my firework show tonight? 
Good day to you doctor! Let's work hard to stop this so called catastrophe, also added shifts doesn't need extra charges when it's me.
Watching battle record
How cruel... This is not what everyone wanted.
Promotion 1
Yosh! Now that's hard work. 
Promotion 2
All these mouths of working with you is making me stronger than I expected doctor. Aside from the training, Rhodes will achieve great success in the future so let's fulfill those words with great promises!
Added to Squad
Alright! Let's do this!
Appointed as Squad Leader
A plan? I've got five of them highlighted on my handbook.
Achoo! Damn... bad timing.
Begin operation
Stretching is done and we're ready!
Selecting operator 1
Another mission, Here we go!
Selecting operator 2
Better bring my protein shake too.
Deployment 1
Here I am~
Deployment 2
You can count on me everyone!
In battle 1
Watch your left!
In battle 2
In battle 3
In battle 4
Fire! Turn up the heat!
4-star result
*Huffs* That's all of it?... Phew... Time for my protein shake then.
3-star result
Now that's what I'm talking about! That was an epic battle doctor!
Sub 3-star result
Whoa some of those guys did a good move on passing through me.
Operation failure
Good thing we escaped from them... Don't this is but a scratch.
Assigned to facility
Lovely room we got here, some floral designed furniture's might be nice.
Trust tap
Is she causing troubles again? Sometimes she doesn't care much of the price so I have to handle it.
A welcome back on working Doctor! Here i made the usual coffee you used to drink.

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