08 - Tidal(6 Star - Sentinel Protector Defender Class)

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Code Name: Hayashi
Real Name: Hayashi Shachi
Gender: Male
Race: Aegir
Origin: Higashi
Height: 183.5 cm
Combat experience: 18 years
Relationship towards operators:

Physical exam:

Physical strength: Excellent
Mobility: Excellent
Physical resilience: Standard
Tactical acumen: Normal
Combat skill: Excellent
Originium Arts Assimilation: Standard

Hayashi is an old companion of Andreana and an Ex-abyssal hunter. He joined Rhodes Island after the accident of a female medic and his young sister, and now he serves as a frontline defender on the battlefield.

Clinical analysis:

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 7%
Originium crystals are visible across the surface of his body, but not to a great extent. Symptoms have been effectively controlled.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.26u/L
Although the current situation is relatively stable, due to the late treatment time, his condition may deteriorate.

Archive File 1
Upon his arrival on Rhodes Island, before becoming an operator he came over to visit his younger sister (Ms. Suzuki Sachi) after a huge accident in the Far East operation. Due to medical insurance increase by 10-15% and lack of medical supplies for 3 months, we are concerned that his sister is gotta stay bedridden for a few months of recovery, since all bills aren't enough to pay for her recovery we decided to give him the offer to be a reserved operator of Rhodes island for the time being till she fully recovered. All processes of registration went smoothly with the approval of Abyssal Hunter Operator Andreana, however during the interview, one of the questions was about any relation of him between squadron 2 and Gladiia herself, strangely he has no information or any connections towards Operator Gladiia nor the abyssal hunters.
Archive File 2
Over the two months of serving as a Frontline defender of Rhodes island, we all say that his performance is way greater than we expected as a person born as an Aegir yet his abilities came with a remarkable uniqueness to the other abyssal hunters and an expert of hunting using primitive weapons like spearfishing than modern ones including crossbows. However even if his performance is at its highest peak, he prefers to work alone or sometimes take huge risks himself which other operators complain of his actions on certain missions given from Rhodes Island. After his work shifts, he has usually been spotted in the music room alone and singing melodic lullabies on a small recorder device for over an hour before heading back to the dormitory section and visiting Ms.Suzuki during her recovery process, as well as operator Andreana, coming over there twice a week till the midnight curfew instructed by Kal'sit.
Archive File 3
We've been forbidding Hayashi from taking operations teaming with the abyssal hunters due to previous arguments in a particular mission back in Iberia. however, being alone isn't a safe option in a risky operation, yet only a few operators get along well in their completed shifts inside the trading and factory room. Operator Andreana quite opened up her mind that he himself is not a very good person in battle but he sometimes shows mercy when his own sister is stopping him from his own messed up mistakes, for now, he has rarely been holding his own anger after teaming up with the Chiave gang and I can tell he clearly wanna punch their leader just to wake his head up over the crucial mission.
Archive File 4
On a small occasion which is also two days off for him on the weekends, Operator Hayashi and the other male ops including Sir Anthony and Ch'u were having a drinking party in a limited space approved by Kal'sit and Doctor with a little budget given for alcohol beverages. The party was simple and peaceful witnessing the wonderful view of the starry night skies, maybe it's a small time to release one's pain and heal their wounds slowly from time to time. Only a few were able to recall Hayashi's old stories and they do tell it was a fascinating yet depressing life he had faced, for he was once a crewmate of Alfonso who together took the greatest voyage of their lives that risk may cost their lives. Yet, they managed to become the greatest amongst themselves like no other. With the spear that strikes thousands of hearts of the monsters slain by himself alone and the good old Blunderbuss that shatters the heads of his opponents in the raging storm siege, however, he soon retired on the last voyage when he soon found his long lost little sister and abandoned past his old self for the better change.
Promotion File:
He may be quite the caring brother towards the employees but sometimes his kindness can be too much for everyone as he can also be reckless himself, that one unfortunate time on a classified operation in Sargon where the time a huge sandstorm merged with the catastrophe and he immediately ordered all active squads in the operation for an urgent retreat thus leaving himself fighting Perro-like Colossus. As much worry of everyone about the tragic situation his tenacity and sheer will pushed him to the limit and he managed to survive both objectives alone, the medical treatment and his recovery were quite a haste with both his physical and mental conditions completely recovered in a matter of two days of Ms.Suzuki being a medical specialist for the time being. Aside from the previous operation, operator Hayashi also had a specialty in culinary as this is how he spend his alone time cooking various dishes from Higashi and Iberia also it can be weird with the two cooking styles he combined commented by fewer chef employees of Rhodes island but surprisingly some of them worked well and some aren't.

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