10 - The Dark Knight (6 star - Dreadnaught guard)

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Code Name: Camazotz the Dark Knight
Real Name: Cedrick Quirinus
Gender: Male
Race: Draco
Origin: Kazimierz 
Height: 195 cm
Combat experience: 9 years
Relationship towards operators:
•Nearl/Margaret (Lover)
•Flametail (Fellow knight)
•Wild Mane (Fan)
•Mlynar (Awkward relation)
•Blemishine (Friend)
•Fartooth (Fellow knight)
•Ashlock (Fellow knight)
•Meteor (Ex-girlfriend)
•Blood knight (Rival)

Physical exam:

Physical strength: Outstanding
Mobility: Standard
Physical resilience: Excellent
Tactical acumen: Good
Combat skill: Outsranding
Originium Arts Assimilation: Excellent

An ex-knight of Kazimierz and Nearl's partner. During the previous operation of Nearl and a few employees, they stumbled upon Camazotz in Victoria and had an odd turn of events that includes a few illegal group conflicts. He soon joined Rhodes Island under Nearl's approval in exchange for being a training instructor for the time being.

Clinical analysis:

Examinations show clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal signs have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no signs of infection

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 0%
Dark Knight Shows no signs of Originium Infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]:  0.5u/L
The operator hasn't been in contact with the infected individual, he prefers to stay away from areas with a high presence of originium.

Archive File 1
Operator Camazotz is known for being the living embodiment of Darkness in Kazimierz. Does he show no mercy? no matter who are the enemies he faced, no mercy shall be given especially in a match. He competed in the 24th Kazimierz Major and lost to his lover Margaret (Nearl) the Radiant Knight. He also competed in multiple Kazimierz Majors but he never won any of them due to him dropping out whenever there were no longer stronger competitors in the event. The last Kazimierz Major he joined is the 24th. Soon he and blood knight have a rivalry with one another. And unlike other knights, Camazotz carried multiple classes of arsenals such as a claymore as his main strengths and a katana. Sometimes he tends to use Handguns and shotguns, as he doesn't care about the knight code and does what he wants. 
Archive File 2
Not much is known about the Dark Knight. The only information we've managed to obtain is from Nearl and Flametail's squad. But from their stories of him according to their perspective had been reflecting on his odd combat acumen on the battlefield, with his own stance formed into a lower guard against armed opponents as he preferred close combat once reported by Instructor Dobermann. Nearl said that had managed to block a 78kg arrow running at 90 mph from a ballista.
From the stories of the knights of Kazimierz, Camazotz carried a variety of weapons. A crimson claymore, a crimson katana, and a crimson spear. The origins of materials on each weapon are considered unknown according to operator Vulcan. Unlike most Knights, Camazotz also wields Sankta guns that as well he carried a Black Deserve Eagle, Mateba Autorevolver, and a pump action shotgun. 
Archive File 3
After Nearl left Kazimierz. she never heard any news from him once she returned home, however, he went missing for unknown reasons even the entire noble family never knew about his sudden disappearance. Wild Mane herself recalled that he just disappeared the day after his victory in the events of Kazimierz Major quarterfinals that were happening at that time, everyone searched for him from possible places he could be but there were no traces of Camazotz. All his arsenals were also nowhere to be found as she investigates his old house close to the borders of Kazimierz, His current status are unknown for a year until he was soon discovered in Victoria.
Archive File 4
We asked the Kazimierz Knights about their approach to Camazotz and they all have similar answers, Nearl herself said that despite him being cruel and merciless on the battlefield, Camazotz himself being the dark knight has a soft heart and is very nice to most people but he only tends to hide his face with the helmet. With his fondness for little children, He usually donates most of the money he earned from the tournaments he participated are now directly sent to the orphanages and hospitals for the infected. Camazotz doesn't discriminate against the infected but he tends to stay away from them. 
Promotion File
Mlynar had other things to say about Camazotz. that he considers the dark knight as someone he doesn't trust, Especially their relationship with his niece Margaret. He thinks that Camazotz had some sinister motives under that good guy personality of his, Mlynar believed that Dark Knight's true personality is the one people saw on the battlefield with no remorse for his own actions. Others of the Kazimierz Operators consider him a big brother to them and a mentor. As for Ms.Meteor, she told us that they were together once in a relationship in the past before Nearl. Due to some disagreement between the two, they soon, unfortunately, decided that they broke up. But despite that Miss Meteor didn't say anything bad about him, she told us that he is a really helpful and reliable person. 

(OWNER: GachaGuy2015)

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