Terminator Voice lines

45 1 0

Appointed as assistant
You've called? out of all people... *sigh*, alright what do you need doctor.
Talk 1
Rumi... She sometimes wants to protect the people of Rhodes... but, i cannot allow that to happen since she is too young to see such reality.
Talk 2
Doctor, you've been down today nor the last week... Has something weighting you down? how about i bring something nourishing to lighten yourself today.
Talk 3
Even there are struggles bringing us down... Its best to stand up and face the obstacles rather than running away from it.
Talk after promotion 1
Professor Ion can be very creative as always, however if resulting to a failure may cause a slight destruction on his own field. 
Talk after promotion 2
My Tactical knife? if you're planning to examine it... be warned to never forget wearing metal based gloves due to the concentrated Originium.  
Talk after trust increase 1
There were a few experiments and subjects related to the tragic disaster... I just hope they make out alive...
Talk after trust increase 2
"BETA" or  named Rumi is related to a project for assistance purposes... anything fighting or violence related studies are forbidden to open up for her. 
Talk after trust increase 3
It's been years of such events, even resting alone inside a comfort room can feel a bit empty... Did i missed something? or someone?...
Individual under exhaustion detecte- wait... My sincere apologies...  it has been hard for me to separate responsibilities... 
Proton finally on duty, i will not disappoint your orders doctor.
Watching battle record
So this is how they fought... This is perfect to be added to my database.
Promotion 1
Does this make me powerful enough to protect everyone?... Ah my apologies, curiosity is always been inevitable. 

Promotion 2
I have finally decided to myself that i will proceed of saving the infected from oripathy, but if war happens then sanctuary is a must.
Added to squad
Operator Proton, I am ready.
Appointed as squad leader
Once I power them down, we'll able to sweep them all down easily.
It begins...
Begin operation
Commencing the operation.
Selecting operator 1
Where doctor?
Selecting operator 2
Mark my targets.
Deployment 1
Enemy spotted!
Deployment 2
Over here.
In battle 1
In battle 2
In battle 3
Kill mode activated!
In battle 4
Shut it!
4-star result
How long will they keep doing like this... aren't they supposed to fear death nor knew what is right and wrong...
3-star result
Mission Accomplished, good work everyone.
Sub 3-star result
It seems there were few of them gotten through, if they come back then it will be the last.
Operation failure
This feeling... I had failed my promises to you doctor, go retreat! I'll hold their ground!
Assigned to facility
I do not require rest nor eat but if its part of the contract... yet its how to be human so no excuses for me...
*stare* ...
Trust tap
Doctor, I heard this board game called Shogi... would you like to teach me more about it?
Hello doctor, i've been waiting for you.

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