Divine Sankta Audio files

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Appointed as assistant
What do you need Doctor? Management? Contracts? Don't worry I'll get all done by tomorrow.
Talk 1
Kazimierz and Ursus maybe had a long history... But maybe one day i can enter there and reunite with my daughter.
Talk 2
Whenever there's darkness... My light shall prevail over those who withstand us.
Talk 3
Light will not be deceived by darkness... Not even the slightest.  
Talk after promotion 1
In hindsight, I should have never regretted coming here to Rhodes... Thanks to you I will continue this path doctor.
Talk after promotion 2
Do not worry about any loss of hope doctor... We must fight and carry on whatever the weights bring us down.
Talk after trust increase 1
Oh? I see your handling a sword is quite rudimentary in its principles, but do not worry everything starts as a beginner.
Talk after trust increase 2
Is he here?... *Sigh* I guess I should invite him for some five-hour tea like you suggested doctor.
Talk after trust increase 3
Doctor, would you like to join me for a relaxing tea time with me? a friend of mine will be also joining in a jiffy.
Reporting in doctor, Hm? Perhaps a finely brewed tea can cleanse that haggard.
Knight of Kazimierz at your service... It's an Honor to finally work with you, Doctor.
Watching battle record
Evil will always be there, and cannot be stopped by force but prevented by will.
Promotion 1
Thank you for not letting me down, for now, I shall honor this position you've given on this very day.
Promotion 2
By the light of Kazimierz, Here i vow my sword shall bring us to victory.
Added to squad
I am ready.
Appointed as squad leader
Even if we're outnumbered, they too cannot shatter us by spirit.
Let's go.
Begin operation
On station and we are ready.
Selecting operator 1
At your service. 
Selecting operator 2
It is time.
Deployment 1
Talk is cheap, let's do this.
Deployment 2
I'll handle this.
In battle 1
Take this!
In battle 2
In battle 3
Begone seeds of evil.
In battle 4
For honor!
4-star result
For this day we achieve great victory, to extinguish the endless pain of war, and history shall remain and sing our names. That is how the light serves.
3-star result
A fine victory is it.
Sub-3-star result
Let them be, the next time we'll meet them will be the last of them.
Operation failure
There maybe days we fail, but the more we try again is the more we learn to defeat them endlessly.
Assigned to facility
Quite the refreshing atmosphere I see.
Be careful on the halo...
Trust tap
Here is your tea, make sure to drink it while it's still hot doctor.
Greetings doctor, another day of work? well, tea will be served in an hour or two.

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