12 - Hanako (5 Star - Slow/Binder Supporter Class)

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Code Name: Hanako
Real Name: Suzuki Sachi
Gender: Female
Race: Liberi
Origin: Higashi
Height: 176.5 cm
Combat experience: 5 years
Date of birth: July 10th
Relationship towards operators:
• Hayashi (Lover)
• Matoimaru (Childhood friends)
• Utage (Friends)
• Aikage (Coworker)

Physical exam:

Physical Strength: [STANDARD]
Mobility: [FLAWED]
Physical Resilience: [NORMAL]
Tactical Acumen: [EXCELLENT]
Combat Skill: [NORMAL]
Originium Arts Assimilation: [FLAWED]

Operator Hanako known as Miss Suzuki herself had decided to join further operations, over the years of working on Rhodes Island as well as joining the previous operation in Chernobog. Thus we as Rhodes Island grant her wishes to further excel in her skills in the medical field outside her homeland.

Clinical analysis:

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 14%
Significant crystal distribution is visible on the surface and inside of the body. Fewer exposure was found around her right eye and legs, stating that the crystals are quite painful at rare times.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.35u/L
Suzuki's prognosis based on his current infection status is poor, and there is potential for further deterioration.

Archive File 1
The inspiring medic of Higashi had been through a lot of hardship of finding an education from walking around Great Yan and Lungmen, going through multiple schools to find scholarships for herself without the presence of her own family that is only her long-lost brother Hayashi. Almost 30 years of her life studying in the medical field to become a doctor and with the support of her childhood friend Matoimaru she soon became the doctor she dreamed to be. However, she stayed in Higashi for five years in service for the emergency medical team. Until one unfortunate event happened, the recent report of Tsukinogi stated that a sudden catastrophe struck behind the clinic in the village of Higashi and it massacred the entire population leaving a few families and Suzuki herself being the last doctor. For now, she is taken to Rhodes Island for immediate medical attention at the request of her Matoimaru and Utage also under their support they wanted her to become an operator of Rhodes to continue her purpose in life.

Archive File 2
It was so unfortunate for her to be unable to walk due to her Oripathy infection after the past catastrophe and the crystals have already been spreading on her legs, we decided to give her an electric motor wheelchair that is the very latest version running at 10 kmph max and she is limited to take operations outside Lungmen unless if it is Operator Tidal or Hayashi himself is assigned to an operation which she can come along as an emergency medic. Her combat skills are very remarkable in terms of assisting the team during the operation and a few of her gadgets are creative as well, although she is in need of assistance of moving around the battlefield with one operator which is why we assigned Operator Shanggo only on these operations only. 

Archive File 3
A lot of changes happened during Operation "Safeguard" which occurred in the northern of Siracusa, the current team known as Brawn's force led by Vex himself were the ones responsible for escorting an important patient who is an ex-mafia of Broca's (family) and the other group had been keeping their eyes against this patient of ours. Over the whole two weeks of the operation and the following sudden attacks of multiple groups made fewer casualties on the squad, Suzuki herself cannot keep up the fight on assisting her own allies as she is heavily targetted due to her poor mobility and Hayashi himself cannot much come to her since these people knew the flaws of the group, the entire squad were expecting an imposter among themselves yet it was soon been discovered that two of them were actually working with the (family). Thus with all of that events, we are giving her a few spicy upgrades for her own flaws on the battlefield which is providing her with a custom-made M79 grenade launcher created by the Sarkaz Operator himself Sesa. Not just she gets only a grenade launcher but fewer upgrades to her own wheelchair in terms of its maximum speed now from 10 to 25 Kmph, added suspension, wheel-type to radial tires with installed manual breaks for good control. In case any of this equipment isn't much compatible as a medic cause she is not once she is permitted to take outside the landship.

Archive File 4
Outside her working hours, she is mostly not present to stroll around the hallways but she can be found in the garden section with her Higashi friends especially Matiomaru herself, it is proven that Suzuki herself is skilled in floral designing or an Higashian culture called Ikebana and operator perfumer herself commented that she likes to have Suzuki as the assistant for the garden, but still it is not much of a demanding offer for she only loves to design the wonderful flowers as a hobby. She once jokingly mocked operator Shanggo's gaming skills in racing games and she was warned many times not to mess around like she used to with Hayashi, yes they did have multiple game matches and the two individuals had their own fun after the long rivalry scored from 50 - 50 for a week of gameplay. We can say she is very alike of the Higashi operators as they are much of the opened minded individuals in making new friends despite a few of them having different interests in art.

Promotion File:

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