Black claw Voice lines

23 1 0

Appointed as assistant
Working with this much on part of the job is quite the challenge to obtain a fine report, not a problem for a veteran like me.
Talk 1
Home... Such a terrible place to live once you become part of the shadows.
Talk 2
An old friend of mine once owned a whole factory for metal production, it wasn't very long before it became a trash dump in the city.
Talk 3
Rhodes' small investigation materials and activities provided well service to my own goals and in return, my skills will be part of yours doktah.
Talk after promotion 1
Speaking of my home... Other than its amenities and culture, the families ruled the country in good and bad intentions for so long.
Talk after promotion 2
Working under the shadows is like living in more than one identity of the whole Terra, and living on my own... I must say being who I am can be very lonesome ever since I become part of them at a young age.
Talk after trust increase 1
You've spoken to the little troublemaker from the Chiave Gang? Although he caused trouble against the Famiglia, I can't help myself see such a young one still can change himself.
Talk after trust increase 2
Why use the claw often? Killing a target at a long distance can be advantageous but challenging in many circumstances.
Talk after trust increase 3
I lost the only one who I cherished and have been seeking for more than years in my life... Finding that murderer is the only way I can rest my life from the shadows.
I myself been a good baker in Siracusa on the early years of business, Hm? you want me to make some of it? Affirmative doktah.
You've called for an investigation? well you have called a professional for the job. its' a pleasure to meet you Doktah.
Watching battle record
This is enough for me to gather information.
Promotion 1
Not a disappointing performance of mine I see.
Promotion 2
If Rhodes can make a great change to the whole terra, then i myself can change in the right family.
Added to squad
You got the files?
Appointed as squad leader
We will unfold their secrets, or worst just left nothing traceable.
Rats... their always everywhere.
Begin operation
Their names will be remembered... or not.
Selecting operator 1
At your service.
Selecting operator 2
Claws check, guns check, targets? heh no where in sight.
Deployment 1
Now where should I place my lovelies.
Deployment 2
Here we go!
In battle 1
In battle 2
Your life is mine!
In battle 3
No where to hide!
In battle 4
Surrender yourself.
4-star result
To my surprise that sure was a lot of them, yet this is going to take so time to hide evidences so please excuse me.
3-star result
All targets are down... Just saving fewer prisoners for information later doktah.
Sub 3-star result
Eh? one or two passed through? hold on me just track them down and silence them with these Bellezze.
Operation failure
Mission failed... We'll get them next time.
Assigned to facility
A few major adjustments may change for a fine atmosphere, If I may suggest Doktah.

Trust tap
I must say you aren't alike the others but rather mysterious Doktah.
Want some coffee? It's a good start before working.

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