09 - Gamer Genius (6 Star - Trapmaster Specialist Class)

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Code Name: Shanggo
Real Name: Aikage Jiro
Gender: Male
Race: Perro
Origin: Lungmen
Height: 174 cm
Combat experience: 1 year
Date of birth: 
Relationship towards operators:
•Hung (Coworker)
•Lee (Boss)
•Waai Fu (Coworker)
•Aak (Coworker)
•U-Official (Friends)
•Magallan (Rival)
•Mayer (Rival)
•Vex (Coworker)

Physical exam:

Physical strength: [Standard]
Mobility: [Excellent]
Physical resilience: [Normal]
Tactical acumen: [Excellent]
Combat skill: [Normal]
Originium Arts Assimilation: [Normal]

The gifted technician of Lee's detective agency for a time period, Real name Aikage Jiro, was present in certain cases of the agency's shifts but kept a low profile of himself to society. Not long after that, he was recommended to Rhodes Island by Operator Lee and joined after passing the test.

Clinical analysis:

Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Orginium Assimilation]: 0%
Operator Shanggo shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density]: 0.15 u/L
Operator Shanggo frequently comes in contact with Originium... or something related to Originium, and this may be related to his prior job. There is a certain risk of infection and will require careful follow-up observations.

Archive File 1
After arriving at Rhodes Island, Operator Shanggo seemed to struggle to adapt to his new lifestyle
The first month of contact was a little quiet approach as his communication skills are lacking, considering Lee's advice of engaging in small conversations puts moderate progress, especially our very own trusted influencer and employee Click. 
Speaking of communication skills, he is very professional on his assigned shifts with the current squad he is working with and soon shall be shifted to another field for his suited hobby even though he speaks less to employees.
However, there is no such thing as a person who never experiences negative emotions, and some of the operators who've been in contact with him are persistently worried about this.
Archive File 2
The young Perro named Aikage Jiro was born into a poor family in the slums of Lungmen. His family wasn't much known according to Lungmen Guard Department(L.G.D) Special Inspection Unit Chief, Ch'en Hui-Chieh as one of the illegal immigrants of Lungmen.
During the years of poverty in his life, he once stumbled upon a kind and mysterious person on the surface of Lungmen streets. Cannot further recall the past description of the anonymous person but the only detail being presented is a broken black halo and a pair of black horns stating this kind of race is still considered to be disclosed to the public. supposed to be that the immigrant family was to be raided as planned in the previous operation yet it is halted after reports stated the family is now permanent residents of Lungmen thus far given a proper home provided by the government.
Perhaps the world is bitter as it should but seeing these individuals give all of their best efforts to become good shall not be underestimated easily, at one point I really would have a little request to send Operator Yun to have a communication with each other. 
Archive File 3
Previous great records of Operator Shanggo's academic studies reached impressive heights of knowledge, with an IQ level of 116 this is a true effort from an individual for such a hard-working student of Lungmen. This is all proven through academic tests conducted by Kal'tsit herself for each employee of the entire landship (Rhodes Island), his IQ ranking of the landship soon made the rivalry against Operator Mayer and Magallan especially in the Technology field where they often held little competitions in constructing various drones for specific purposes in assistance for Rhodes Island. We'll be continuing to support and give finance to these technicians for their amazing work performance and great impact on Rhodes Island.
Archive File 4
It's come to the conclusion that the previous school of Operator Shanggo had an unfortunate fate that leads to his graduation in a sorrowful event, living in isolation over the years and soon making a quick retirement from his previous tech industry of Lungmen to have a company transfer that is recommended by an old friend of his from social media but soon a couple of years he got was actually rejected and never told for the following years of waiting for the job approval. There is a time that Shanggo and Detective Lee himself had an encounter in Jaye's food stall nearby the slums to have a cheap dinner after a long day of work, a little ruckus soon occurred when a few men were drunk in the next food stall beside them became a street fight since there were local gang groups gathered in the same spot according to one citizen of the slums. Shanggo handled the situation using his very own well-placed traps in each corner and angle to immobilize several thugs on their grounds before L.G.D backup came to arrest these groups on bars yet he also got dragged into the problem, somehow Detective Lee came to save him from the involvement of the ruckus and soon made a contract to work with him to cover up all the unpaid debts of his family over the years of unemployment. With the collaboration of Operator Vex and Shanggo. Lungmen's crime rate slightly decreased by 12.6 percent over two years that includes the entire Lungmen Guard Department's effort to maintain the public morale and lots of responsibilities just to keep the good improvement of Lungmen or the country itself.
Promotion File:
Official report of Operator Click herself had discovered another side of Shanggo as he is also a very popular gaming influencer behind the working field as a hobby soon to be a fun and a secret career from his family, which he had been involved in the gaming industry as a contracted content creator that is supported by a dear friend U-Official although the contract only supports a two year in his finance. His skills in strategy and racing games almost synergized with his combat capabilities from both virtual and reality perspectives according to Click herself. Over the months of serving Rhodes Island, many of the employees soon began to know his real identity and it was kept a secret under Kal'tsit's orders to be safe. U-Official being his roommate during the contract once told one of his managers that his room needed to be clean and tidy next time, the only warning he made during his first month after the debut.

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