Gamer Genius Voice lines

17 0 2

Appointed as assistant
This will ruin my sleeping schedule, but who cares.
Talk 1
Oh, You have some game recommendations? count me in doctor.
Talk 2
8 hours of work is enough for an employee, but you... Doctor are more of a unique worker than everyone else.
Talk 3
I am maybe not the smartest but I can handle it on my own, I've got papa and Anino on my side!
Talk after promotion 1
Oi papa!(corgi) Don't pee on the doctor's foot!
Talk after promotion 2
I should thank you for everything doctor... being here in Rhodes definitely gave me the real reason to keep going forward. Anyways, here's a code for my next stream, you'll be the first in line to get my very own merch!
Talk after trust increase 1
My latest and best creation is my good buddy Anino! He is proven to be reliable in assisting the factory activities.
Talk after trust increase 2
You've wanted to have a chess match with me? Of course! I've been looking forward to this very day.
Talk after trust increase 3
The man with a halo... Whoever or wherever he is, I will give my utmost respect for giving me a good education.
Wakey-wakey doctor, it's better not to slack off on the job.
Shanggo present!
Watching battle record
New faces and new tactics, its totally worth the learning.
Promotion 1
Doctor meet papa(corgi) my dog companion!
Promotion 2
Wait a legit promotion?! We need to celebrate this! My treat doctor!
Added to squad
Shanggo at your service!
Appointed as squad leader
Ah [Lungmen profanity], here we go again.
Here we go, everyone!
Begin operation
Shanggo is on standby.
Selecting operator 1
Everything is set up and we're good to go.
Selecting operator 2
Zzz... Ack! My bad, I fell asleep.
Deployment 1
Weapons and gadgets deployed!
Deployment 2
Go get 'em Anino!
In battle 1
Gadget activated!
In battle 2
Stay over there!
In battle 3
Hold it right there!
In battle 4
Tripwire triggered.
4-star result
Report: Targets captured, a job well done doctor.
3-star result
Marvelous work everyone!
Sub-3-star result
Tch... a few cut loose, i guess I'll make some adjustments on the gadgets.
Operation failure
Deploying decoy drones! Immediate retreat everyone!
Assigned to facility
What do you think Papa(Corgi)? He totally loves the place! 
Oi! Pare!(Dude)
Trust tap
Shanggo special shall be served in a minute doctor!
Good day to you doctor! everything is well organized for the day's work!

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