The Dark Knight Voice lines

28 1 0

Appointed as assistant
What foolery is this... paperwork? [Profanity] This is really awkward...
Talk 1
There is no honor on the battlefield... even if it's someone you cherished...
Talk 2
Strike with emptiness... only a fool who lets their own emotions.
Talk 3
There's something bothering me... I cannot conclude what it is, but it felt like it's draining me over time. 
Talk after promotion 1
That Sankta guy... Margaret never told me about him, it is irritating my day.
Talk after promotion 2
I underestimated you, doctor... you are more capable than I am, especially living a tough life than I have been.  
Talk after trust increase 1
Careful on those bad boys(Guns)... They are old and jammed at the moment.
Talk after trust increase 2
Be one with darkness... and darkness will conceal you from danger. 
Talk after trust increase 3
Do you know how to defend yourself? here take this on your very life even if it's the end of the world...
Time to wake up doctor, work first before rest.
Camat- wait... my apologies, dark knight has come for your orders... To be your sword and shield.
Watching battle record
Watching these fools fight like rascals... I will bring karma to their own actions someday.
Promotion 1
It seems my strength is deteriorating, but my mind and soul are strong than anyone doctor.
Promotion 2
My plans with Nearl?... Well, we are catching up very well again... Do not talk to anyone about it doctor.
Added to squad
Working in numbers is the best.
Appointed as squad leader
Leading squires to battle? heh, it felt like the old times.
We are ready.
Begin operation
Stay behind me and never fall down! Charge my brothers and sisters!
Selecting operator 1
What is it?
Selecting operator 2
Deployment 1
Come at me!
Deployment 2
Die with honor!
In battle 1
Taste my blade!
In battle 2
Fight cause you must!
In battle 3
Focus on me! Not them!
In battle 4
4-star result
*Huff* ...truly satistying...
3-star result
Tch... i got overboard again...
Sub-3-star result
Foolery!... I'll remember those faces...
Operation failure
Go to the high ground now! I'll buy some time for you doctor.
Assigned to facility
Quiet and clean... good.
Trust tap
The tip of the pen is sharper than the sword doctor.
Good day to you doctor.

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