Wolf Audio File

50 1 0

Appointed as assistant
What's this? Papers? How boring...
Talk 1
Ugh...That Lappland wouldn't shut up for once, can i kill her doctor?
Talk 2
*yawns* I hate this job... hm? just don't mind it doctor.
Talk 3
Yun maybe an idiot sometimes but he sure is good at keeping everyone alive.
Talk after promotion 1
Finally that white Lupo shuts up, thank you doctor.
Talk after promotion 2
My knife? Hey don't touch it! It's alive!
Talk after trust increase 1
Doctor can i skip my shift early? No? Well that's boring.
Talk after trust increase 2
What is Yun for me?...um he is... an importa-...n-nevermind that...
Talk after trust increase 3
A thunderstorm?... Well I'm not scared when Yun is there for me. 
*Yawns* Where's Yunyun?...
You must be the doctor Yun has been talking about... Greetings, Ayumiko Yuuki at your service.
Watching battle record
So these are my prey, now i can take them down myself.
Promotion 1
Is there are reason for this position? I'm quite curious doctor...
Promotion 2
You remind me of a father figure doctor, the others? everyone is my family here on rhodes... I'm happy that everyone here in rhodes are also happy.
Added to squad
Alright let's go.
Appointed as squad leader
Kill their leader and the rest will scatter like ants.
Are they here?
Begin operation
Finally some action.
Selecting operator 1
*Yawns* okay...
Selecting operator 2
Gram seems hungry...
Deployment 1
Gram time to drink their blood...
Deployment 2
Here i go...
In battle 1
In battle 2
In battle 3
Out of the way...
In battle 4
4-star result
*Huff* Finally over... Imma head out to Yun's room first...
3-star result
Well that was fun doctor, my clothes? don't worry Yun washes everyday.
Sub 3-star result
Rats flee... Let me smash them to smithereens...
Operation failure
Don't worry we'll get stronger sooner doctor...
Assigned to facility
This room seems comfortable to nap...
Trust tap
Good day to you doctor.

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