Fossil Voicelines/Audio file

31 1 0

Appointed as assistant
Need a hand? You got me of course!
Talk 1
I think I broke the top of the door again... terribly sorry Doctor...
Talk 2
I have fought the more dangerous and dirtiest kinds of opponents in Sargon, may they be hunters or not, I never fall and kneel for such evilness to this world.
Talk 3
What do I usually do here in Rhodes? I've been busy training and studying other kinds of stuff like the Yan Language. Doing outside tasks is relatively easy for me to handle.
Talk after promotion 1
I never have seen such warriors would give a good and respectful fight against me, I am looking forward to working more hard with everyone.
Talk after promotion 2
Sir Anthony wanted me to join in competitive fighting Colombia, but I do not know if you would allow me to take these activities outside of work. Wait... you've actually been thinking over it for a while? you don't have to push it, doctor.
Talk after trust increase 1
This is called an energy drink?... GAH! WOW, THAT TASTED AMAZING!
Talk after trust increase 2
Flint gave me this... "Smartphone" as a gift? I do not know how to use this but i am quite worried that why is a cat trapped inside it... What is just a video? what's a video doctor?
Talk after trust increase 3
"Methods of self-defense"? Did Sir Anthony give me this book cause I am too unmerciful?
Getting tired already? We got some tasks to finish before rest!
HA! On board and ready for your orders doctor! I am Fossil but call me Jan.
Watching battle record
The more I learned from this... the more I am capable of surviving this risk myself.
Promotion 1
A promotion it is? I am glad my efforts working here made a good impression!
Promotion 2
With my family safe here... I guess I can settle down the urge for revenge and find another purpose for living. Thank you for everything, Doctor.
Added to squad
I'm itching for a real fight.
Appointed as squad leader
Alright, we're doing this together without weakness, just don't block my way.
Let's go.
Begin operation
Don't get too cocky... This is the real battlefield rather than a beatdown.
Selecting operator 1
What do you need?
Selecting operator 2
Change of plans?
Deployment 1
Come at me!
Deployment 2
Bring me another!
In battle 1
You gotta hit more hard buddy!
In battle 2
Wide open!
In battle 3
In battle 4
Ha! Too weak!
4-star result
HAHAHA! Was that the best they got from me?! I could go on for more!
3-star result
Work is done and we are heading back to Rhodes as usual doctor.
Sub-3-star result
I want round two against those pesky rats.
Operation failure
Argh! I had enough of these bastards playing dirty! Rematch and ill show no mercy!
Assigned to facility
What's that odd noise from above? an "air conditioner" you say?
Trust tap
Doctor wanna have a spar with me? or watch the ancient dance of my family tonight?
Ah, you're finally back doctor!

[SPECIAL INTERACTIONS] (Only when Jan is assigned to the squad)

When Gavial is assigned to the squad
"Argh... am I always getting watched?"
"Hello again to you, gavial" 
"Not you again" 
"Really? with her again?" 

When Gavial is deployed (after Jan)
"Short-stack better keep me alive!"
"I'll handle this doc" 
"This will be fun"
"Aww come on Gavial, a little smashing ain't that bad" 

When Gavial the Invincible is assigned to the squad
"Now that's what I call a warrior!" 
"A saw? I'd prefer you to use the axe" 
"We'll hold them off together. Gavial"
"Another day for beat ups"

When Gavial the Invincible is deployed (after Jan)
"Now this is fun" 
"I got your back... Or front?"
"Gavial, Let's show them who's boss!"

When Tomimi is assigned to the squad
"Hey there little lady"
"Ready for the fray?"
"You can count on me little lady"
"Lady Tomimi, it'd be fine out there"

When Tomimi is deployed(after Jan)
"Don't worry, I am here"
"I'll hold them off"
"Quit whining and start shooting!"
"Bash them down!"

When Estelle is assigned to the squad
"A couple of massive tails and a horns, ain't going to stop us Estelle!"
"Remember to use the tail"
"Just don't get distracted in the fight"

When Estelle is deployed(after Jan)
"Hit em hard, knock them out"
"Fight! Cause you must!"
"Hold them off" (when deployed behind Jan)
"Don't push yourself Estelle"

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