Tidal Voice lines

37 1 0

Appointed as assistant
Never been into this much responsibilities to handle than being in the ship, yet I won't disappoint you, doctor.
Talk 1
No matter how tough the boulders of the sea be nor armor forged new... Over time two became dust and rust, so never be yourself when you have others to help you.
Talk 2
You've taken interest in my background? What's in the past is always in the past Doctor.
Talk 3
This place's atmosphere felt a bit quiet like Higashi.
Talk after promotion 1
I guess my sister will proud of this.
Talk after promotion 2
Although my leave will be soon... but it seems working with you here in Rhodes is not a pain in the back. Hm? you asked if my sister is leaving too? If she stays here then ill be staying too.
Talk after trust increase 1
Miss Skadi you asked? Never seen her much from Iberia though I heard rumors from the locals, however, Ulpianus and I were once crewmates when we were just boys before men, and seeing a student of his always impresses me thinking he's a good father figure.
Talk after trust increase 2
I prefer spearfishing than just to sit around the entire day, yet sometimes the waves can be extremely strong. 
Talk after trust increase 3
Is she sometimes clumsy without me around? (Chuckle) Same as ever.
You're staring again... Is my attire a bit distracting for you and the others?
The sake of my sister's recovery... I will be serving as your crewmate whether the risk can suicidal.
Watching battle record
Interesting... This will come handy for me.
Promotion 1
The more I exceed myself then the more the enemies get stronger to surpass me.
Promotion 2
You prove to be more than just an admiral, you really remind me the good old days with my captain.
Added to squad
Aye, what are your orders captain?
Appointed as squad leader
To lead the group I see? Well, then we'll be doing this in the old stylish way!
Stay in safe range!
Begin operation
I'm itching for this wonderful fight!
Selecting operator 1
This seems exciting.
Selecting operator 2
Larger spears for larger prey.
Deployment 1
Here i go.
Deployment 2
A challenge i see.
In battle 1
In battle 2
In battle 3
Stand behind me! 
In battle 4
テラの偉大な波は私になります! (The great waves of terra becomes me!)
4-star result
That felt glorious doctor! I can almost hear the melody of home.
3-star result
I hope 
Sub-3-star result
Let them flee for now, as long your alright doctor.
Operation failure
Assigned to facility
Hm... would you like some takoyaki with me after work? Suzuki loves squid on it.
Trust tap
Booze, mead, and beer?... maybe after our work we can have a small drink together doctor.
Another day of work, another day of victory.

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