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My heart stops as I hear the word she just yelled trough the room

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My heart stops as I hear the word she just yelled trough the room.

This can't be happening. I can't be forced to marry my biggest enemy ever, live with him and make a child with him.

I storm out of my abuela's house. I have no idea where to go. I just decided to go to the nearest park as I hear someone following me as he screams my name.


hell no, I recognize this voice. It's his voice. "I'm not in the mood to talk Matteo" I say "and especially not with you". I start walking away as I feel his big hands touching my arm.

"Please just wait Isabella." Matteo says.
Only because his voice is so worried, I turn around.
"What do you want?"
"To Just have a conversation with you, Isabella. "

I'm actually really not in the mood, but decide to agree since we're both stuck with each other for a long time.

"So..." He says."You and me huh? Never thought I would say this but, I'm actually relieved it isn't aunt Christina." "Hahaha" I fake laugh.

"Do you wanna, you know, sneak out of here?"He asks. "I was waiting for you to say that" I answer with a big grin on my face, as we continue walking towards the park.

When we are sitting on the grass, he asks: "have you ever been in a relationship?" Stupid question ofcourse, since I don't know any boys, except him. "No never been, never will be. I'm not allowed to either way." He asks to me with a grin on his face: "never will be? You didn't count me right? Because I'm pretty sure, if we don't get married there will be a war between our family's mafioso and the Santiago mafioso."
"Let them have their war. I don't care. I never agreed to the conditions of this bullshit-deal." I say baddass.
"You're kidding right?" He asks with a frown on his face. "You really want to let everyone in your family die, just because you refuse to marry me?! Never Knew you were such an ego. No wonder Tatia left you, I wouldn't want to have a daughter like you!"

I knew I shouldn't have trusted this prick. I look away not wanting him to see me cry. "When does the arrangement starts?" I ask him, almost crying.

"In a week" he says, obviously mad at me.

"Okay then I will mentally prepare myself for such an asshole like you, who has no respect for his family and hurts his future wife just because she's speaking the truth!" I yell burning with anger and tears in my eyes.

"Wait, Isabella mi amor, I didn't mean it like th-" but I'm already too far away to understand what he's yelling.

Stupid idiot.

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