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After the helicopter trip- which was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed ever single minute of it -Matteo drops me of at my house

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After the helicopter trip- which was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed ever single minute of it -Matteo drops me of at my house. In the car is a awkward silence as I don't know what to say to him. What do I say to someone who justmade my day ten times better? Thankyou? That sounds so ungrateful.

When I see we enter my street I start thanking him for today. He doesn't react to my surprise. I thought he would at least say something like 'your welcome' or 'I had a great time with you' but no nothing, just silence. Did I do something wrong? I don't know what to do and I don't want to just get out of the car and into the house without him atleast looking at me. I bite my lip and fidget with my hands due the really awkward silence.

What did I do wrong? Doesn't he like me anymore? I'm probably too ugly and fat for him. I should definitely eat less. Why isn't he saying anything? Maybe he rather wants to just not marry me and start a war between our mafias. Am I really that bad? I thought he just started to finally like me.

After what feels like ages, he finally opens his mouth to say something.
"Mierda Isabella don't do that to me." "Do what?" I ask self-conscious.
"Bite your lip like that. It makes me think things I shouldn't think of at the moment." He answers. (Shit)

Am I making him feel bad? I didn't mean to do that. I always do something wrong, I always have to mess good things up.
Soy una Idiota. Fuck my life.
(I am an idiot)

"I-I'm sorry" I stumble.
"Don't apologize princesa, it's not your fault."

It still feels like it though. I'm near to crying, when he pulls me in for a hug.
I never would've thought Matteo Sevillos would be a hug-er.

"I must say I'm pleasantly surprised"
He looks at me with a confused look.
"I would've never thought you would be the type to hug me." I explain. He whispers something what looks like: "only with you bella donna"
(Beautiful woman)

Even though I'm not sure I heard that last sentence correctly, I'm still flattered. He thinks I'm beautiful? You could call me a lot of things but beautiful isn't one of them. I would rather call myself the opposite of beautiful. Not ugly, just not 'beautiful'.

I try to stop overthinking, as it's getting time for me to leave this fucking car. I don't know how I should say goodbye to Matteo. Hug him? Kiss him on the cheek? Just say goodbye and get the hell out of here?

I decide to choose the last option and get out the car. I'm already closing his car door as I hear Matteo call my name.

"Bella wait, I still want to tell you how much I enjoyed today with you. You're a really great friend"

Friend? We're getting married you idiot. And Bella? I actually like that name for me. Especially when he says it.

"Thankyou" I say " I had a really great time with you too. See you around Matteo."

And with that I leave his car. He doesn't calls me back, we didn't hug, and we didn't do anything. Maybe he really sees
me as 'just a friend'.
I'm starting to think I see him as much more than a friend.
That's it. I hoped you enjoyed it and I just wanted to say thankyou for the 90 reads, I know it's not the most reads but I'm really grateful for it.

In this chapter you really see how insecure Isabella is and how much she overthinks. I mentioned in the trigger warning that there will be abuse and SA. There still will be so be prepared! (I'm not going to mention it before every chapter so just don't read it If you're sensitive for it)

What do y'all think abt matteo's and isabella's bond? I think rn it's still a bit awkward but I will try to make it less cringe.

Okay that's it and I would really appreciate if anyone votes for this story or comments on it. I love reading your opinions!

                          *not edited*

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