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When we're both done eating, we still are conversing

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When we're both done eating, we still are conversing.

I didn't eat all of my food, but I'm taking slow steps just as Matteo told me to. He's been encouraging me this whole time, and I can't explain to him how thankful I am for it. He really is the best thing that's ever happened in my life, and for once I'm fate thankful for gifting him to me.

"How do you like cleaning?" He asks me with a frown upon his face, which Is lowkey kind of cute.

"I don't know." I shrug and laugh at the look of honest confusion on his face. "I guess I just like tidiness. Besides don't tell me you hate it, because I've seen your room and it wasn't dirty at all." I finish my argument.

It true though. I've never seen a boys room more clean than his.

"Okay first of all, let me make clear that I like order, I just don't like the part where you actually have to do something. Second of all, I can't have a dirty room when a woman is coming over." He looks at me with a look as if he thinks it's unbelievable I didn't think of that.

"Okay, I get that, but hey, don't blame me for liking to have a neat room, and liking the part where I have to actually clean."

"Okay, okay, you win. Cleaning is fun!" He adds with as most sarcasm as possible in his voice.

I burst into laughter at this, and only stop when my laughing fit has ended.

I look back at Matteo and see a look of adoration on his face.

"You're so beautiful." He murmers as if he only meant to think it instead of saying it out loud.

I smile as thanking and we just keep staring at eachother, neither if us daring to look away.

That is, until the waiter from before comes to our table to bring our check we had asked for a while ago after we finished eating.

"The check sir and ma'am." The waiter tells us laying the check on the table in front of us.

I go to take my purse to pick out my money, but before I can do that Matteo has already given his money to the waiter and the waiter walks away.

"You didn't have to pay for me." I tell him. It's normal to each pay half?

"Of course I do Bella. I've taken you out." He simply says.

I blink at him. Never has a man payed in my place before. Even if they took me out. My exes always made me pay or payed half. No one has ever even considered paying for me.

"T-thank you Matteo." I mutter still a bit stunned.

"Why are you so stunned? Has no man ever payed for you before?"

I stay quiet and he takes that as a yes.

"Well, they were assholes for not paying to be accompanied by a gorgeous woman."

I blush at his words and avert my gaze from his.

"Come on. I want to take you to somewhere before you have to go back." He grabs my hand and we walk through a few streets, before we reach a dark abandoned alleyway. He goes inside and I doubt following him, but when he motions for me to follow, I do.

We walk trough the alleyway, me tightly gripping his hand in fear of the danger hidden in the dark.

We reach another dark alleyway but this one has a comfortable feeling around it somehow. 

I almost freak out when I don't feel Matteo's hand anymore, but when I hear him shuffling next to me I relax somewhat.

All of a sudden, an uncountable amount of little yellow light brighten the whole alley. I now see that there are pillars above us all throughout the alley, the little lights coiled around them. Not only are there lights, there are also some kind of leaves hanging on the pillars, decorated with glimmers and shiny rhinestones.

I gasp in surprise, still following all the lights and fabulousness with my eyes. This must've taken ages to decorate!

I've never seen such a beautiful thing.

I'm sure my mouth is hanging open now, but I don't care, still leading my gaze around all the spectations. The lights are cozy and shine of a warmth nestling deep inside me.

Now that the lights brought illumination to my surroundings, I can clearly see the buildings towering over me. Previously, I thought it were just houses like any other, with people who lived in them, but now I see that there are beautiful Renaissance-like statues, stunning painted displays, and even a clattering fountain with bright blue water falling down, which I hadn't noticed earlier strange enough.

I turn around wanting to tell Matteo how much I admire everything here, and how thankful I am he brought me here, when I see him kneeling on his right knee in front of me.

At first I don't know what he's doing, but when he puts his hand in his jeans pocket to take something out, I recognize what he's doing.

He's proposing to me.

Tears immediately flood my eyes, drowning my sight until I can only see the blurred out lights all around us.

"I know we already got married, and I'm supposed to do this before our marriage, but I was an asshole back then and I would like a chance to redo it." I gasp at his words and even more tears descend down my face. "So Isabella, El amor de mi vida, mi corazón. Will you marry me and spend the rest of our days together with me?" He asks now tears also appearing in his eyes.
(The love of my life/ my heart.)

"Yes. Yes! I would love to marry you." I say in between my sniffling and weeping. "I want to spend the rest of my days with you Matteo. Yes, I want to be your wife, and I would love for you to be my husband." I say finally stopping weeping and crying.

Only now I see Matteo is in the exact same state as me. He's crying too. Happy tears of joy.

He slips the beautiful golden ring decorated with a little diamond and a golden leave around it on my ring finger, and I stare at it amazed by the magnificence.

"Do you– do you like it?" Matteo asks me nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"I love it." I whisper too stunned to utter a word.

I go over to him and kiss him intensive right on his lips.

His tongue slips in my mouth and finds my own, connecting a bond between the two. The kiss is sloppy, but not bad at all. When he pulls me closer and I feel the vibration of the sound coming out of the back of his throat, I feel the heat roam through my body, and lastly ending at the pressure point between my legs. I let out a soft moan in his mouth and I feel his mouth become even harsher in the best way possible.

We seperate and smile against eachothers lips, before I whisper:
"I love you, mi Amado."
(My love)

"I love you more, mi ángel." He whispers against my mouth, making my lips curl up even more than ever.
(My angel)

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Lots of love, Stella xx

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