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!massive TW

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!massive TW. Anorexia speaking, so if you had any past experience with any eating disorder, please don't read this chapter it can be really really triggering!

After a few bites of my blueberry pancake, I already feel full. I'm not used to eating this much, and definitely not eating something so sugary. I look up at Matteo to see him already nearly finished with his 3 pancakes, while I'm not even close to finishing my first pancake.

Matteo and I eat in a comfortable silence until Matteo asks something.

"What do you want to do today?"

Oh yeah I forgot I'm his wife now so we're supposed to have some quality time together.

I just shrug my shoulders having no idea what we could do.

"We could.. go shopping? You like shopping right? I mean all women like shopping right? Not to be stereotypical or anything." He adds a little nervous in fear of having said something wrong.

I laugh and reassure him:

"Don't worry, I like shopping."

He sighs a breath of relief and nods.

While we were talking I unknowingly finished a pancake and a half. When I notice I just ate all this I immediately feel fat. I feel like my stomach just grew even fatter than it already was and it feels like I just gained at least 11 pounds. I try holding myself back from listening to the voices in my head right now, but they're too loud.

Go to the toilet and throw it all up.

Do it now.

He won't like you when your fat.

You did good all week and now you're just going to gain all that weight you lost back? You're so weak.


You can't do one thing in your life right.

You just gained 10 pounds by eating this shit. You will need to do all that hard work again if you don't go to the toilet right now.

Go now. He expects you to be skinny.

He won't want you if you're fat again.

You're so fat and weak.


He will hate you if you gain weight.

You NEED to be skinny to be pretty.

He will leave you if you dont go to that toilet, put your fingers in your throat, and lose all this disgusting shit.

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