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When I'm at the 3th episode of season 4, and Matteo still isn't ready making pancakes I start to think he might messed up

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When I'm at the 3th episode of season 4, and Matteo still isn't ready making pancakes I start to think he might messed up. I pause my show and jump of the couch. I stood up too fast and have to hold the table not to fall on the floor. Once I'm stable, I take slow and steady footsteps towards the kitchen.

When I'm almost at the entrance of the kitchen I hear Matteo.

"Mierda, stupid fucking flour." I hear him scream.

I giggle a little but quickly enter the kitchen to try to help him out.

When I open the door and see Matteo and his kitchen my mouth drops open.

What has he done?

There's flour everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.
The once black furniture is now almost totally white and dirty, and it looks like I'm standing in a dessert with how much flour there's spreaded all around the floor. But no only the furniture is coated with flour, oh no, right in front of me is standing a slightly frustrated Matteo, covered in flour from head to toe. There are multiple white smudges on his face and his hair is not longer dark brown, but almost grey-ish. He looks like a grandpa to be honest.

I try to suppress a smile but I can't help but pulling up the corners of my mouth a bit. My eyes start to tear up from the effort to not burst out laughing and I'm too afraid to speak without mocking him.

Matteo sighs and says in an embarrassed tone:

"I tried making pancakes for you but I dropped the flour. When I tried picking it up again, more flour fell and got spread, well" he takes a glance around the kitchen. "everywhere." I smile to him trying my hardest not to laugh at his story, but I'm certain he can read of my expression I want to because he adds: "You can laugh."

This is my cue to burst out laughing. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes and I almost roll over on the ground, before I remember it's covered with flour.

When I'm finally done with my laughter I look up to Matteo. I expected him to look sad his attempt on making pancakes didn't work, but he looks at me with a satisfied smirk on his face.

I frown my eyebrows and ask why he's smiling after his pancakes totally failed.

"Because I made you laugh, y Dios, I love seeing you happy."

(And god)

My heart warms at this and I feel something light and ticklish flatter in my stomach. I smile at him, exposing my teeth in the process.

"Let's go." Matteo suddenly says.

"Let's go where?"

"You didn't think you would get out so easy huh? You're still eating pancakes this morning, only not homemade."

I gulp at this. I'm already afraid to eat much and am definitely afraid to eat in a crowded place.

"I know the best pancake diner in the city. It would be a pleasure for me if I could take you there." He goes on and on.

I just simply nod my head, not having the courage to argue with him about this.

Is it so hard for me to just get over it? I'm just trying to get attention from everyone, and I need to stop doing that. I have no idea why Matteo likes me all of a sudden, but if I keep acting like this he won't for long anymore.

Matteo snaps me out of my own thoughts when he locks his fingers with mine and guides me to his car.

I forgot how he had a really nice and expensive car.

We arrived at the pancake diner which was called cielo de panqueques, which is spanish for Pancake heaven, and we took a seat near the window. The sun is shining bright, and there's a lot illumination in the diner. There're also a lot of colorful flowers decorating the tables and furniture, and I don't know if they are real or not.

Matteo is looking through the Menu and I do too. I haven't had much pancakes in my life so I have no idea which on I'd like. I guess I'll just pick the same as Matteo will. A waiter comes over to out table. It's a young man In his
twenties with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He looks rather goody, but has a sympathetic appearance.

"What could I get for you guys?" He asks looking at Matteo first. He orders a water and 3 blueberrie pancakes. The waiter asks me what I want, and I have the same answer as Matteo. The waiter smiles at us and says he will be right back with out pancakes, and dissappears out of our sight.

After a while, me and Matteo didn't really talk about anything regardless of the silence, the waiter arrives at our table again, but this time with two plates with delicious looking pancakes on them. He places one plate in front of me and one in front of Matteo and says 'Bonne appetite!' before walking away.

Matteo immediately digs in and I just stare at my pancakes for a second.

I wonder how many calories are in these. Probably a lot.. If I could skip, I would. I'll just have to throw it all up after, it'll be fine.

And with those toxic thoughts I start eating the possibily best meal I've had in a while.


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Love, Stella xx

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