fake pleasures

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It's 3am and I just woke up

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It's 3am and I just woke up. I don't know what made me wake up. Maybe a sound or maybe I had to go to the bathroom. I go to the bathroom and do my thing, but as I exit the bathroom I hear a sound downstairs.

I'm supposed to be home alone. Dad's working in his office, which isn't in the house and he's sleeping there. i have no one who takes care of me and no one who comes to visit me. Except Matteo but only because he has to.

I hear another sound coming from downstairs. Is there a thief inside the house? I mean I know we're pretty rich but why would he dare to steal something from the mafia?

I don't know what to do. Should I call someone? My dad's working and he wouldn't appreciate it if I bother him. I could call Leandro but I don't want to wake him for something that might be nothing important. The only option left Is Matteo. I'm already looking for him in my contact on my phone, when I hear a sound coming from the stairs.

Is someone coming upstairs? Do they know I'm here? I try calling Matteo, but it immediately goes to voice mail. I'm trying not to panick and call again. I goes to voice-mail again. I hear someone trying to enter my room, but my door is locked. I've never been this scared in my life. Why the fuck can't Matteo pick up? Just as I'm about to call him again, I hear the lock from my door click open. Shit. I try hiding under the covers of my bed but deep down I know that won't help at all. I hear the door open softly, and that sound Is followed by footsteps. At the heaviness of the footsteps I assume it's a man. I can't be completely sure because I can't see a thing.

I try to stay hidden  under my covers, but I'm already trembling and shuddering and I know for a fact he can see me.

Not this Shit again please.

Suddenly the sheets are trown off of me. I can recognize a face of a man with black hair and a black beard. He must be around his thirties. He's atleast 15 years older than me. If it isn't more. He has a disgusting smirk on his face, and I know immediately this isn't going to end well. He isn't here to steal anything. He's here because he knew I was home alone and he is here for me. For my body.

I try to crawl away from him but he takes my leg and pulls me to him. I'm now so close to him I can reek his sigarette smell, and see his yellow teeth.

He starts grumbling things I can't understand at first, but after a while it comes trough to me.
He says; "I'm not trying to hurt you pretty girl, but your just in my way and give me one reason why I can't have a little fun with you before I kill you?"

I feel my hart clenching and my longs struggling to breath in air. He is going to hurt me. He is going to kill me and rape me before. No please not again. Nonononon.

He starts to pull my sleep dress up. I am not wearing anything underneath it. I've never have when I sleep. He starts touching me on places I don't want him to touch me. He kisses my neck and chest roughly, so hard it hurts. He whispers things to me I can't understand as It seems I'm in some kind of shock. After a while he tries pleasuring himself, by putting him inside of me. I hurts so bad I want to scream but I stay quiet. I stay quiet trough it all. Even when he hits my head repeatedly I stay quiet. Even when
he starts going faster and starts hurting me more I keep  quiet. I keep thinking about Matteo and how he will be her any minute now. When he's almost ready with me I finally start crying. He doesn't even notice. I start seeing black spots trough my vision. The last thing I see is him getting janked off of me, after that everything goes black.

                        Matteo's pov
I get a call and wake up immediately. I'm a light sleeper. I would wake up from the slightest sound when I was younger. When I was at a friend's sleepover, I couldn't sleep because they snored to loud, because they talked in their sleep or because the clock was thicking to hard.

I pick up my phone to see who called me at fucking 3am in the middle of the night, but I see It already has gone to voice-mail. I look at the caller history and see Isabella has called me two times. Why does she calls me in the fucking middle of the night?

I try calling her back but it goed to voice-mail after five rings. She wouldn't be in trouble would she? I mean she is part of the mafia after all.

I try calling her again  but she isn't picking up.

Mierda. My gut tells me she is in trouble.

I immediately start pulling a hoodie on over my bare chest and start putting on my shoes. I walk to my car while I try calling her again. Still no reaction. I'm getting stressed. My gut never lies after all. I drive to her house in full speed. I drive 110 where your supposed to drive 50. Fuck it who cares. The only thing I need to care about right now Is her. The fucking love of my life.

As I stop at her house I immediately sense there's something off. The front door is slightly opened and I hear nothing inside. I pull my colt 19 out of my waistband and slowly enter her house. I hear some noises upstairs so I start walking up the stairs. I don't know which rooms she sleeps in, but I hear some noise coming from the room on my left. I push the door quietly open and see a figure bending over Isabella, who's muffling her cries and staring at the man in shock. He's fucking hurting my girl.

At the look on her face is see Isabella is barely conscious. She has a look of hurt in her eyes, while the man is pleasuring himself without her consent. I yank  him off of her and see she falls on her bed, unconscious and naked. This man I going to fucking pay for what he did to my girl.

I pull the trigger of my gun and shoot him right trough the head. He is dead in seconds. I wanted to torture him further, but I have to take care of Isabella now. I pull her night dress over her head, so she isn't naked anymore, and hold her in my arms while she finally finds rest in the darkness.

My pretty girl, how could I let this happen to her? I will never forgive myself for not being there when she most needed me.

Phew that was one hell of a chapter. Poor Isabella but I had to let something happen in the book ofcourse. As you can see I didn't put a trigger warning in the beginning and I won't be ever because I feel like it ruins the story. So don't read it if you're sensitive for this type of content!

This chapter was really hard for me to write because I've been trough similar situations. I was like quite literally bawling my eyes out when I re-read this chapter. If you ever experience a situation similar to this, please reach out for help or tell someone. It's never okay to deal with it yourself!

I also feel like I made a lot of grammar mistakes throughout this chapter so do correct me so I can learn from my mistakes! ALSO THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 100 READS!! you can't believe how grateful I am.

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                          *not edited*

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