mi vida mi amor

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I drink a shot and lick up the salt on my finger

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I drink a shot and lick up the salt on my finger.

Tequila actually isn't that bad. I look to my left and see Matteo doing the same. He makes a face after he drunk it and I chuckle. Who knew Matteo would be such a pussy?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to its owner. Matteo looks at me with a genuine happy expression.

"Are you having fun, Isabella?"
He asks me.

"Yesszssz, I am, dearezt husband." I tell him. I didn't drink too much. No I didn't. I only had 3 shots and some pink Vodka, which was really freaking cool, and I think I had some wine. I forgot to count how many I've had. I'm just assuming not that much. And even if I was drunk, who is going to do something about it? It is my wedding!

I see Matteo silently watching me.

He looks really good. Did I already say he looks hot in his tux. I don't think I did. And his arms. Ughhh. So hot. Literally a God. Matteo, you, yes you, are literally a God.

He grins "Am I?"

Owie, shit did I just say that out loud? Who cares, am I not allowed to call my own husband hot? Of course I am! Its my wedding. Did I already say that? I think I did.

I just simply smile as reply and he smiles back.

A man I don't know, but looks as old as Matteo, comes from behind Matteo and starts chatting with him. I only hear pieces of their conversation as I am too focused looking at Matteo.

Ahh he looks so hot in his tux.

I hear the man say my name and snap my attention back to him talking. I see Matteo laugh and nod. From this point on I promise I will follow the conversation like a decent person, instead of dreaming about Matteo and how hot he looks in his tux.

He does look really hot in his tux though.

"What are you going to do after huh? Treat you princess how she's supposed to be treated?" He wiggles his eyebrows and has a mocking smile on his face.

Matteo laughs an awkward laugh and says;

"She's right here bro don't ruin the surprise." He says it with a serious tone although I can see the expression of amusement on his face.

Wait- are they talking about me? I'm no princess. They're probably talking about another woman Matteo knows. Wait he knows other woman? Why do I feel slightly jealous..?

"Isabella? Isabelaaaa! Earth to Isa!"
I hear Matteo faintly yell in the background. Suddenly his face appears in front of mine and I look at him immediately.
"What's up bro."

Haha I'm so goddamn funny. He is lucky with a wife like me.

Matteo frowns his eyebrows.
"Don't call me bro. I'm not your bro, I'm your husband."

I chuckle. He's my husband.

"Okay then, bro." I smile and give his shoulder a tap. I almost fall over because I'm so dizzy, but Matteo quickly
catches me.

Maybe I shouldn't have drunk that much Alcohol on a almost empty stomach..

"Whoa, easy there mi amor. Your wasted. Do you wanna get out of here?"

I'm not wasted. What the hell is he talking about. But I would like to get out of here.

I nod my head quickly and this is his sign to start carrying me to the exit.

"Won't people miss us? We're husband and wifeee." I gniffle at my own joke.

I'm literally the funniest person ever Oh my God.

"You, yes. Me? Nah. They won't even notice I'm gone." He tells me.

Suddenly I'm lifted out of his arms and placed on a table. I didn't even notice we entered his house.

I now have a clear view of his face. His eyes are glimming and are the most beautiful I've ever seen them. I didn't even know faces as perfect as his existed and his hair looks so fluffy I want to ruffle my hands through it.

Don't do that Isabella, he'll think you're weird. Don't.

I do. I ruffle my hands through his hair and he closes his eyes. His hair is like I expected, the most fluffiest and softest thing I've ever felt.

"Why are you closing your eyes?" I ask him curious.

"Because I'm enjoying the moment."

"What's so fun about me going trough your hair?"

He is quite for a moment. When he speaks he tells me something that makes my heart melt.

"It's you who's doing it, how could I not enjoy that?"

I smile at that. After a few seconds of me going through his hair and him clearly enjoying it, he picks me up and says:

"Let's now go to sleep, no?"

I'm already half asleep so I just mhm, and he picks me up and takes me upstairs.

Once I am lying in my bed he puts a glass of water on my bedside table and looks back at me.

"You have to drink this glass throughout the night okay? You will be thankful for it in the morning." He demands.

I groan but nod my head anyways.

Okay mommy Matteo.

He stands up to walk out of my room. I want him to stay though. Would he do that for me?

When he's standing by the door and he's just about to step out of the room, I say his name, to tired to yell ot scream.


"What's going on amar?"


I hesitate before I ask: "Will you stay with me?"

He looks back, smiles like he already expected me to ask him that and answers:



Don't forget to vote,comment and check out my other book!

Love, Stella xx

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