hombre perfecto

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!TW ed thoughts, thinking about calories!

I wake up because of the light invading my room through the thin curtains

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I wake up because of the light invading my room through the thin curtains. My head feels like it's exploding and i feel nauseous as hell.

I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times, trying to get used to the bright light. Once my eyes are used to the light, I carefully turn my head so I am able to look around the room. A big glass of water Is standing beside me, and I pick it up and start engulfing the liquid. When I'm finished drinking the cold liquid, and the glass is empty, I feel a lot better. My head hurt less and the nausea is almost totally gone.

I put the glass back on the night table besides the bed and realise I'm not lying in my own bed, nor in my own room.

Shit, what the hell did I do last night?

I turn my head a bit to fast and almost get whiplash. I groan a bit but quickly stop when I see who's lying beside me.

My freaking husband Matteo.

What the hell happened last night.

I have to admit, he looks really cute lying with his hands pulled to his head and his hair all messy around his head.

I almost want to touch his hair when I hear him groan softly and start to wake up. I pull away my hands and act like I didn't just want to touch his hair. He blinks a few times and my heart melts because of his cuteness. Who would've thought the bad mob boss could be a cute sleeping kitten?

I look at him as he wakes up, wanting to see the first thing he thinks when he sees me beside him in his bed. I bet I will see disgust in his eyes or confusion. He twist and turns his head a bit and stretches his arms above his head, meanwhile I just watch him like a total creep. He turns his head towards me and looks me in the eye. Where I expected to see confusion or even disgust, I only see pure happiness and relief. It looks like he's happy and relieved that I'm here, in his house, in his bed, close to him. Something I did not expect at all.

He asks me in his raspy morning voice, and God I almost faint:

"Did you sleep well mi belleza?"

(My beauty)

I answer him with a high pitched voice:

"Mhm. I have a bit of a hangover, but I slept fine. Did you?"

"You know the answer to that Bella."

I act like I try to think really hard and try to remember if I do and I say to him:

"Hmm. No I think I don't. Why don't you tell me?"

He sighs and says:

"Because you layed beside me mujer loca."

(Crazy woman)

I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach and I feel a warmth reaching my heart. My head thinks about multiple scenarios all at once when I hear his words.

I just laugh awkwardly, not knowing what to say, and being sure my cheeks are as red as a tomato.

"Aw, look at my girl all flustered for me." There's a silence when he adds: "do you want to catch breakfast with me? And do you need a pain killer for your hangover?"

I eagerly nod my head and say: "yes please. On both of those questions."

He grins widely and picks me up from the bed and carries me to the hallway like I weight nothing.

I'm probably too heavy. He is probably too afraid to say anything about it but I know he thinks I'm too fat. Maybe he should know he can tell me if I weight too much. He can stop carrying me if he thinks so.

"You know you don't have to carry me if I'm too heavy right? I don't want you to sprain any limbs."

I see a scowl appearing on his face when he says:

"Shut up Isabella. You're not even half the weight I bench."

And there it is again. The redness appearing on my face and the quickened beating of my heart against my chest. He has no idea how he makes me feel, and maybe it's better if he doesn't.

Once we arrive downstairs he drops me down and he doesn't even look exhausted.

I guess he was right about the bench thing. I know he was pretty strong, but this strong?

He walks over to the fridge and starts taking out things from in it. I see him picking out eggs, flower from a nearby cupboard and do the same with sugar and butter.

"Is pancakes okay by you?" He asks me.

I'm silent for a moment.

There're so many calories in pancakes. There's now way I can eat that. I did so good the couple last days and this will just ruin all my progress. Maybe I can find a way out of this? I'm not feeling like
wasting his food by throwing it all up..

After a while of me overthinking this situation I say in a soft voice:

"You don't need to make Breakfast for me. I'm not that hungry." Just when I finished my sentence, my stomach grumbles. Loud enough for him to hear.

Just perfect timing.

He laughs and says: "yeah no, you're eating. You clearly are hungry."

I mentally face palm myself for having such a lame excuse and walk over to the kitchen to help him make the pancakes. Just when I want to start taking all the ingredients to make the pancakes, assuming Matteo has no idea what he's doing since he never made pancakes in his life, Matteo holds out his arm in front of me, making it impossible for me to reach the counter with the ingredients stalled on.

I look at him confused and he grins.

"You thought I couldn't cook huh? A bit stereotypical if you ask me. I'm the best pancake cook you'll ever meet. Why don't you go watch some TV on the couch while I make you your pancakes?"

Okay he's hot, caring and he can cook? Have I arrived in heaven?

I nod at him, excited to go watch some  shameless episodes, and turn on my heal to go to the comfortabel warm couch.

Maybe Matteo isn't so bad after all.


Don't forget to vote, comment and check out my other book!

Love, Stella xx

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