my haven

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I wake up breathing heavily

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I wake up breathing heavily. I look around and notice I'm not in my room. I'm in a unrecognizable black room. I immediately panick, trying to remember what happened last night. I remember hearing a sound and waking up from it. I also remember all the horrible things that happened after. The only thing I can't remember is how I got out of that horrible situation. I look around the room looking for anything which gives me a clue where I am. I spot a picture frame standing on a black cupboard.

I slowly slip out of the big bed and walk to the cupboard on my bare feet. I pick the frame from the cupboard and see a boy and an older man staring at me. I immediately recognize the older man as my uncle. I assume the little boy is his son. That can only mean that the boy, from who this room belongs to is... Matteo.

I didn't know what to do since Matteo wasn't in this room. I start to panick, when I think about how he and I slept in the same bed, but then I see that his side of the bed wasn't slept on. If he didn't sleep in his bed, where did he sleep?

I don't know what to do since I've never been in his house let alone in his bedroom, so I decide to just try to find his stairs, hoping he would be awake and downstairs. I tripple downstairs and look around at the living room. His living is huge; it's at least 3 times my bedroom and it is gorgeous; the floor is made from dark marble with gold specks in it, there are 3 sofa's and they all look really cozy and soft, on one of those is laying some blankets and a cushion. I guess i know where matteo slept last night. And there are also different weapons displayed against the wall. I spot my favourite weaponry straight away; a combo of three gold-black throwing knives. I walk quietly to the three pearls, without noticing someone is watching me from across the room. Just as I'm about to touch them, someone coughs, making me jump away from fear. I quickly turn around, only to see Matteo standing against the wall looking at me with a grin on his face. "Hello mi preciosa mariposa, how are you?" (My precious butterfly) He asks with a worried expression on his face. As soon as he notices me staring at his face, his emotionless expression covers the worried one. Just like he turned it off.

"I've been better" I lie knowing damn well I feel like shit. I can't get the man who assaulted me out of my head.

He comes to me and places his hand on my shoulder, making me flinch.

"mentiroso" (liar)

Ofcourse he noticed I was lying, what does he not notice?

"No estaba mintiendo cuando dije que he sido mejor" I said, switching languages, "simplemente no puedo sacarlo de mi cabeza" ( i wasn't lying when I said I've felt better/ I just can't get him out of my head). He dropped his emotionless mask and looked at me sadly. "no te merecías eso" he tells me. "Me aseguré de que nunca pueda lastimarte de nuevo." He adds. ( you didn't deserve that/ I made sure he can never hurt you again).

He didn't kill him did he? I mean I wouldn't mind I don't care about him, but what if he has a family who is now waiting for him to come home and he never will? What if he has kids who now have to live without their father? The thought alone already makes me sad. I am in the mafia and I am okay with killing people, but I just can't stop thinking about his family. That's why i ask: "¿tú lo mataste?" ( you killed him?)

He looked at me like I've gone crazy when he says in english again: "yes, like I said he won't hurt you again. I took care of him."

Deep down I knew he did a good thing, he did It to protect me after all, but I just couldn't get the faces of his family out of my thoughts. "Maybe he had kids who now have to live without their father, maybe he has a wife who will now be a widow." I cried out. He looked at me confused, before I added; " i-it was my own fault, I-I mean I never e-even told him to s-stop. It's my fault his kids won't grow up with a father!" I yelled at him while tears kept on streaming out of my eyes. "I-I should've told him to s-stop, why can't I ever do something right in my li-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Matteo had stepped closer to me and smashed his lips on mine making me stop my sentence immediately.

I hung my arms around his neck, while he pulled me even closer by pushing my waist against his, making me feel his hard chest against me. He forced his tongue in my mouth making me moan softly in his mouth. Based on his reaction it drove him crazy, because he deepened the kiss even more. After a while he let go of my mouth and tilted his forehead against mine lookin deep into my eyes. We where both flustered and I could feel my core heaten. I never would've thought he would make me react like this. "What was that for?" I asked him straight forward. "Just wanted to do that for a long time. I also wanted to stop that bullshit from coming out of your mouth." I chuckled at his response. "What now?" I wondered. "I guess we'll marry now." I laughed knowing damn well he wasn't joking.

I had to marry this man in 2 days. I didn't know if I was ready for it but I felt a lot more confident in this all, than I did first.

Maybe this will be something good for once.
I wanted to clarify some things since I know it isn't always very clear. Matteo and Isabella are NOT family. They are in the same mafia family but they are just friends and Isabella calls Matteos dad uncle because her dad taught her that when she was born, since him and Matteos dad are such good friends. So there will be NO incest in this book! Also remember Isabella wasn't a Virgin before she got raped because she was already raped once before. This part will still come in the book but I think you could know that already based on her behavior.

I also wanted to mention that I will not tolerate any hate against Isabella. I know she may be a little dramatic since she couldn't handle her rapist getting murdered especially since she is in the mafia herself but remember she was in a very emotional state at that moment! She's also as everyone has noticed a very selfless person. IMPORTANT MESSAGE ENDED!

This isn't as important but I wanted to say that I will try to still edit this book but definitely go check out my new book: Broken Pieces Of Her. I am still trying to promote this story since it hasn't gotten much attention yet so yeah go check I out!

Don't forget to comment and vote or I'm coming to your house!

Luv you all ❤️ x

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