chocolate heart

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I watch my beautiful girl as she's slowly falling asleep

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I watch my beautiful girl as she's slowly falling asleep. She thinks I'm sleeping, but I've been staring at her this whole time thinking about that fate was really on my side this one time. I got the most beautiful girl to marry and she likes me back. I think.

A feeling of doubt suddenly takes over my senses. I like her, but does she like me?

I love every bit of her; her smile lines everytime she even just grins, making me wanting to make her smile more often. Her big brown beautiful eyes which stare at me with as much innocence as possible in them and with a light sparkle gleaming deep inside of them. I love her body, even if that's the biggest part she hates about herself, I'll always love it just as much as everything else about her. I love the reassuring words she whispers in my ears and the fact she's so selfless it's almost unreal. But above all I love the way she thinks about me. I'm not a mind reader ofcourse, but I feel her respect and love seaping through her words evertime she's talking to me. I've never known anyone talking to me in that way. Most people are either afraid or mad while talking to me, but she's neither.

I'm afraid to say it, and I would never admit it out loud, but I think I love her. Like truly love her. Im too much of a coward to tell her this in case she doesn't say it back. That's my biggest fear about all this.

I hear her soft snores escape her mouth and know she fell asleep. She desperately needed the sleep, being drenched after.. yeah nevermind.

When I'm sure she's totally asleep, I slowly free myself out of her grip. She stirs in her sleep and mumbles a few things but luckily doesn't wake up.

I take my time putting on my coat and walk out of her hospital room. I need to run a few errands while she doesn't need me for a while.

I walk out of the hospital and the fresh air does me good, rather than sitting in the chemical smelling hospital all day.

I came here with the ambulance, so I don't have a car nearby, and according to Google maps, the centrum of the city is 15 minutes from here.


I look up the closest bus stop and start walking to there.


I hop out of the bus and immediately hear the loud rumor of the crowd present on the centrum place.

I quickly skip trough the people stalling and search for the closest florist in this city.

I remark a florist called 'fleuriste' and I'm guessing that's French.

I walk inside the store and hear a little bell give away my presence.

A little old lady is sitting behind the register reading a magazine with her glasses placed on the tip of her nose.

I walk trough the aisles filled with all kinds of plants and flowers and finally halt when I read the tag 'Bella fuchsia'.

These flowers are meant for Isabella. I pick out a bouquet of these flowers and walk to the front of the store, the woman storing away her magazine.

I put the flowers carefully on the counter and she starts typing in the price.

"Will that be it for you young man?" Her old voice craeks.

I nod and she starts typing another few numbers on the register when she says:

"These must be for a really special someone. Who is the lucky one?" 

"Yes they are indeed. They are for my... wife." I tell her. It's still pleasantly weird to call Isabella my wife. The woman's eyebrows fly up her head according to my young age, but she doesn't comment anything.

"That'll be $17.94. Do you want to pay with cash or with card?"

"Card." I answer her already taking out my wallet and pulling out my credit card.

Granny's eyebrows fly up again when she notices the black color of my card.

I leave her standing there shocked wanting to be back with Isabella as soon as possible.

I start walking back to the bus stop, when I notice a chocolate shop to my left. A chocolate heart with custom inscription stands out in the shops window.

I don't know if it's a good idea with Isabella's current situation and everything, but I also know she wouldn't like it if I treated her any different than I did before. And before all this is wouldn't have hesitated to walk in this chocolate shop and buy the chocolate heart for her. That's why I open the door and step inside.

An excited man greats me and asks me what he can do for me. I explain then that I would like to buy the heart and tell him the inscriptions I want written on it and he nods and tells me he'll be right back and that I can wait here until he's back.

After about 15 minutes he comes back into the store and hands me the heart dressed in nice and elegant wrapping paper.

I pay by cash, not wanting to shock another person and make my way down to the hospital.


When I arrive at the hospital, I immediately walk to Isabella's room, praying she isn't awake because I know for a fact she'd be scared if I wasn't by her side when she woke up.

My body untenses when I still see her peacefully sleeping in her bed.

Her hair is spread out messy around her head and her cheeks are flushed. She looks more peaceful and relaxed than I've ever seen her.

I decide to wake her up, knowing she'll be upset when she finds out she missed half of her day.

I softly carres her cheek, and she flutters her eyes. She slowly wakes up now and snuggles further into my hand, making my cheeks redden. I still get surprised evertime she touches me.

"Wake up Bella. I have a surprise for you." I whisper into her ear.

This immediately makes her wake up.

"Surprise? What is it?" She loves surprises.

"Here." I hand her the chocolate heart and bouquet of flowers a bit shy and nervous.

What If she hates it?

"Oooh Matteo" a blush creeps up on her cheeks. "thank you so much. They're beautiful." She thanks me while smelling the flowers.

"You wanna know what they're called?" I ask her and she nods eagerly.

"They're called Bella fuchsia's. It reminded me of you." She blushes even harder and a silly smile is taking over her face.

"Thank you so much Matteo! You have no idea how much this means to me!" I'm glad I found a way to make her happy.

"Open the other present." I encourage her. Im the most nervous about this one because I don't know how she'll take it.

She excitedly opens the gift and her eyes widen further when she sees the inscription written on the chocolate heart.

"For my perfect girl."


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Love, Stella xx

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