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I've been a wreck all day

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I've been a wreck all day. When the ambulance finally arrived, Isabella's pulse was already way too weak than it should've been, and she didn't seem to know how to breathe properly. When they attached an oxygen bag to her mouth, it seemed like she could breathe better, but her situation didn't become better.

The whole way from the diner to the hospital, I had held her hand with mine, too afraid to let her go in fear of losing her. I didn't even think about how she ended up in this situation, I only thought about one thing: how I want Isabella to just open her eyes and be okay. But that didn't happen. Not even close to it. On the way to the hospital, Isabella repeatedly became consciousness, but it looked like something was holding her back from waking up. More than once, she tried opening her eyes, but everytime when she was close to just doing that, she fainted again. I was relieved and had hope everytime she tried opening her eyes. I thought maybe this time it would work, but it didn't. Not once.

I tried my best to reassure her it was okay with my words, trying to keep my voice steady against my fear and worry, but it didn't seem like she could hear me.

When the ambulance finally pulled up into the parking of the hospital, I held Isabella's hand even stronger to reassure her.

All of a sudden a swarm of paramedics, nurses and doctors, carried Isabella out of the ambulance and rolled the stretcher she was on, in the hospital. There was no way I could keep them up because they were going so fast and I couldn't get through all those people to get to Isabella.

Everyone was screaming and yelling things at one another, and I couldn't understand what they were yelling, but it didn't sound good. When the stretcher rolled into a room, and I wanted to enter, a doctor stopped me.

"How do you know this woman sir?" He asked me which made my blood boil.

This woman? She's not just a woman you fucking idiot.

"I'm her husband." I said with way more confidence in my tone than I had expected.

His eyebrows flew to his forehead, but he was smart enough not to question anything.

"Okay you can wait here sir. We will keep you update once her situation changes."

I nodded, knowing there wasn't anything else I could do now, and dropped into one of the chairs. I saw the doctor walk away.

I pulled my hair I frustration, feeling helpless since there was nothing I could do now for Isabella. I didn't even think about how she got into this situation before, but now I started remembering why she was laying in this hospital rightn now under critical conditions.

A feeling of guilt overwhelmed me, and bile rose up in my throat. How could I have not seen the signs? At the wedding she barely ate a thing saying she 'ate a lot of snacks before'. Even though I literally saw her eat none. And when she slept over at my house  she never even suggested to eat breakfast, I had to basically force her to eat atleast something. Now that I think back about it, I never saw her eat anything voluntary, she either got forced, or she didn't eat.

How could I be so fucking ignorant? Now she's laying in the fucking hospital because of my ignorance. God, she might even di– no stop don't go there.

I suddenly stand up, feeling like I need something to drink. I look at a clock hanging on the wall, and see that I'm already waiting half an hour.

Fucking doctors and their stupid rules.

I slander around the hospital, until I find a water dispenser, where I can drink something. I fil my cup and look where I am now. I see the information desk next to the entrance. Behind it is a woman with glasses and she's helping people it seems. She looks the same age as I am.

Maybe she know when I get news about Isabella.

I stand in the line and wait until it's my turn.

When the old man in front of me, who came to check when he could remove his third lung, which I didn't knew existed, is ready, it's my turn.

Before I can even open my mouth to speak, the woman beats me to it.

"What can I do for the" She looks at me and I see surprise on her face."hot gentleman? Came to check me out by any chance?" She winks in an attempt to flirt, but It looks like she's having a seizure.

I mentally gag when I think about this woman and me together, in any universe.

"I came to check if there was any new information about Isabella Zaragoza?"

While she's typing away she opens that annoying mouth of hers again.

"Came to check on your mommy? What a nice man you are." She speaks to me and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

That's when I get an idea in mind and I smirk devilish at the thought.

"Yes I am checking on my mommy, except that she's my wife. Can you please hurry by the way? I haven't gotten all day." I act like I look how late is in on a watch on my wrist, even though I'm not wearing one, while I see the woman out the corner of my eye being too stunned too speak, and she's turning red just a little bit.

This satisfies me when I think about her hideous attempt of flirting with a married man.

When she apparently finally found Isabella's name, she's in a whole other mood right now, more of a angry one which makes me smile, she grumbles to me:

"You wife" she rolls her eyes and looks embarrassed a bit which only makes me smile wider. "Is in the ER because she needs a operation to her" she squints her eyes trying to read the next word."Esophagus, which caused internal bleeding. She will be operated in about an half hour the doctors say. There's no other information said, except that she needs help as quickly as possible since it's a life threatening situation." She doesn't looks jealous or angry anymore. She only looks at me with a look of pity and sympathy.

I'm not smiling anymore. My smile dropped a while ago. Life threatening situation? This is way worse than I could've ever expected. I might actually lose her this time.

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Love, Stella xx

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