1. Dinner at the Black's

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The lady was mysterious to the eyes of those who cannot understand magic. She strided down the path, as a crow followed her from above.

She stopped once she reached the 12th townhouse. 12 Grimmauld place. Her heels made a rather disturbing rhythm as she made her way up the front steps of the house.

She knocked twice before the door opened on its own.

Another woman, with similar manners to the first, revealed herself to greet her long awaited guest.

"Freya," the woman smiled politely with a nod.

The lady walked through the door with an eerie grin before it closed itself again. "Walburga."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"The Dark Lord seems to have made up his mind," Freya raised her cup to her lips.

"Surely his judgement on the matter is the best that we can have," Walburga replied as she glanced at her husband.

Orion simply nodded in agreement, "That's why we have a proposal for you."

Freya raised her brow, intrigued. "And what might that be?"

"Knowing that a war will arise, I think we can all agree that we need to secure our family line," Walburga placed her teacup on the table. "My oldest is quite a... concern for us."

Freya knowingly smiled down at her teacup. "And what exactly does that have to do with me?"

"You have a daughter, and since your husband is no longer with us," Orion paused as he leaned forward, "won't you prefer her to be in the right hands after her school years? You don't want her to join the other side, don't you?"

"Of course not," Freya carefully observed the couple sitting across from her.

The couple was clearly pleased.

"But," Freya started. "How do I know you are the right ones for me to trust?"

Orion and Walburga's faces dropped.

"Apologies," Freya smiled calmly. "What I meant to say was: Why should I choose your son for Junia? Even for his own parents, he is a concern."

"Ah," Walburga smiled, "We were hoping your daughter could help with that. We've heard many great things about her."

Freya narrowed her eyes at Walburga.

"I'm sure you and your late husband have taught her well when it comes to matters like blood status and family relations," Walburga said knowingly. "How to keep our line pure, untainted with the blood of those below us."

"Yes, and so?"

"We were hoping that she could pull Sirius back," Orion bluntly revealed. "Shake him back into his senses."

"And how can she do that?" Freya questioned. "As far as I am concerned they have never spoken before."

"We do to them what our parents do to us," Walburga said grimly. "Marriage that bonds our families together."

"A Black and a Crawford?" Freya considered for a moment. "How will that benefit me and my daughter?"

"You know the Dark Lord only recognises your husband," Orion said. "This will surely help you and your daughter earn his recognition. The Black name has long been admired after all."

"But the Crawford name won't be passed on," Freya said.

Walburga laughed, "Don't pretend that you care about your husband's name, Freya. We know what you had with Rosier. It won't be pretty if Antheia found out."

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