8. Summer Ring

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Sirius clenched his jaw as he left the room. Regulus has been extra difficult lately. He knew Regulus would never misuse the kindness he has so willingly given, but it sure begins to feel like it.

Regulus said he was forced to join the Deatheaters, but why would he spend his summer reading about the dark arts. Sirius sighed and shook his thought away. He would never do that. He is Regulus, my brother.

"Are you already leaving?" Walburga asked as Sirius walked past him towards the door.

"There is no reason for me to be here, is there?" Sirius retorted before continuing to make his way out.

"Remember. 17th of August. Here before dark," Walburga reminded him just in time before the door shuts.

17th of August.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"One more month before I'm fucked," Sirius groaned into his pillow.

"You're already fucked Pads," James chuckled as he continued his 32nd letter that he will be sending to none other than his beloved girlfriend.

Sirius sat up, "What if I don't get the freedom to you know—"

"What? Shag literally everyone?" James cocked an eyebrow.

Sirius shamelessly nodded, "You know me too well."

"Crawford does not seem like the type of girl who would care. You should be fine," James said, trying to lessen the tenseness of his friend. "Besides, you two are not married yet."

"Fair point."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

They sat beside each other, across from a lady with pure white hair and an eerie smile.

"Beautiful couple," she grinned. "I'm sure the rest would love to hear this."

"We'd appreciate it if you could keep it to yourself for now, Persephone," Walburga chimed in.

Persephone Malfoy's smile faded, "Of course."

"If you don't mind could you make it—"

"Quick?" the smile returned to her face again. "You must be dying to refer to her as your fiancé."

Sirius faked a smile, which Junia could only mentally roll her eyes at.

"Now, where should we start?" Persephone asked. "I'm sure there are agreements between the two of you?"

Junia and Sirius exchanged confused looks, before Freya took a piece of parchment out, "Here."

Persephone raised a brow, "Alright. Let me see..." She took a while to examine the paper that neither Junia nor Sirius knew about. The paper that will determine their next year. Persephone squinted her eyes, "I'm not sure if these are necessary at all."

"We ought to take precautions," Walburga answered.

Persephone then began picking the pieces and putting them together, knowing very well that this is no ordinary engagement. "I see what you're doing, why?"

"Same reasons our parents have for us," Walburga sternly answered.

Persephone smiled bitterly and turned to the two teenagers in the room, "I'm sure you'd like to read this." She placed the parchment on the table, after she signed her name on it.

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